January 2008 ~ Create it. Go!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

More cards to come...

Okay-since I am just starting this, I have too much to post right now. I have posted many of the fairly recent projects I have done, but not many cards yet, and I probably have the most of them-so bear with me as I find the time to post old and new as well as to create new.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Patriotic/Military cards

Okay, I obviously love making these type cards, since my hubby is in the army and overseas. The first one is one I made last year and I want to re-make it and add ???something to it. I'm happy with the other two. Which one is your favorite?

I also just got a new "military"stamp set that I am dying to break in. We'll see when I actually find the time...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Paint Can and Ribbon/Tag Blanket

OKay-this was my first paint can to do-again, I like it, but wonder if I would like the 2nd one I make better.

Also, I LOVE these taggy/ribbon blankets and my daughter LOVED them too when she was an infant, so I make them a lot for friends having babies and they work great to put inside the paint cans!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Aren't these cute? I got the idea from a friend who got it from a Martha St. mag I believe. I added tags later with the witch from the Booglie Eyes set and the "Happy Boo to You". Gave them to my kids teachers last Halloween. I also thought it would be fun to give to a friend with a tag that said something like-ever need help with your spring cleaning? Call me!-just as a fun friend thing to do. (Excuse the mess behind them-if I stamp, that means I am ignoring my house. haha)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

My son's cards

My 8 yr old son made these all by himself-absolutely no help or even any suggestions from me. In fact, the "bird" one, I woke up one morning to find him making it for a friend's bday with all my stamp stuff I had left all over the table from the previous night. :) Inside of it, he wrote "Have a squawking birthday!" (Again-all him.) :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Card Holder-Tin Box

I finally made one of these for a friend of mine for her bday. I think it turned out okay-good for my first one-but I bet if I were to make another now, I would like it even better. That's how it goes, isn't it?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Birthday Invitations

My son wanted to have a "Knights and Dragon" bday party for his 5th birthday. I think my favorite part of it was making these invitations!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pop Tops-Thanksgiving

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Travel Coffee/Cocoa Mugs

I found these mugs for a dollar each! and thought wow! I could stamp and personalize these and add some snowman soup for my kids teachers for Christmas...so I did! :)

They turned out kinda fun!

The one that is laying flat is a Bella-teacher stamp. It turned out really cute and then I wrote the teacher's name on top before I inserted it into the mug. I also asked the teacher's what some of their interests were and favorites-like colors and other thing and tried to make them personalized that way. I made more than one insert for each teacher as well, so that they could trade them out when they felt like it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Past Projects: Mailbox and pail

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Past Projects:All in the Family

I need to get a better pic-but since I am just starting this blog-I am posting some past projects that I have done this past 6 mos or so?

I had to draw in the guinea pig and hermit crabs-was fun!