Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Patriotic/Military cards
Okay, I obviously love making these type cards, since my hubby is in the army and overseas. The first one is one I made last year and I want to re-make it and add ???something to it. I'm happy with the other two. Which one is your favorite?
I also just got a new "military"stamp set that I am dying to break in. We'll see when I actually find the time...
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Paint Can and Ribbon/Tag Blanket
OKay-this was my first paint can to do-again, I like it, but wonder if I would like the 2nd one I make better.
Also, I LOVE these taggy/ribbon blankets and my daughter LOVED them too when she was an infant, so I make them a lot for friends having babies and they work great to put inside the paint cans!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Aren't these cute? I got the idea from a friend who got it from a Martha St. mag I believe. I added tags later with the witch from the Booglie Eyes set and the "Happy Boo to You". Gave them to my kids teachers last Halloween. I also thought it would be fun to give to a friend with a tag that said something like-ever need help with your spring cleaning? Call me!-just as a fun friend thing to do. (Excuse the mess behind them-if I stamp, that means I am ignoring my house. haha)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
My son's cards
My 8 yr old son made these all by himself-absolutely no help or even any suggestions from me. In fact, the "bird" one, I woke up one morning to find him making it for a friend's bday with all my stamp stuff I had left all over the table from the previous night. :) Inside of it, he wrote "Have a squawking birthday!" (Again-all him.) :)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Travel Coffee/Cocoa Mugs
I found these mugs for a dollar each! and thought wow! I could stamp and personalize these and add some snowman soup for my kids teachers for I did! :)
They turned out kinda fun!
The one that is laying flat is a Bella-teacher stamp. It turned out really cute and then I wrote the teacher's name on top before I inserted it into the mug. I also asked the teacher's what some of their interests were and favorites-like colors and other thing and tried to make them personalized that way. I made more than one insert for each teacher as well, so that they could trade them out when they felt like it.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hi! I'm Robyn from Create it. Go! and I love to create! Whether its a wood craft, painting, papercrafting, simple sewing, vinyl, new recipes, photography adventures, or fun with my Silhouette, join me for tutorials and loads of fun!
Instagram: @robyncreates
Two of my nieces are graduation from high school this year...the oldest and first in the cousins of my kids! So I have thought about grad gi...
So how many of you procrastinate? I sure do! I always work better under pressure, but not always sure that's a good thing. And I hope I...
Are you still looking for a fun and quick gift? Want something different? Well, I have the perfect little idea for you! And it's so fun...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringingInnovation #Collect...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DropShopAndOil #CollectiveBi...
So So So excited to share this week's From this to that Friday with you!!! I thought of this last year and never got a chance to make i...
The FB Silhouette Challenge Group I recently joined challenged us to use fabric in our projects for February on our Silhouette machines, ...
This week my daughter's class celebrated the 100th day of school. They were all told that they could dress up the way they think they w...
Whether you are wanting to make the nativity ornaments or the Minecraft, the inserts all work the same. And they are sooooo easy! Supplies...
A friend found this quote and came over to my house to make it and I loved it so much I made one too! I want to create a little reading noo...
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I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and proud to be an #ldsmommyblogger
Papercrafting Below:

Card portfolio
Inside view


Stair-step card

Army Pride

One Sheet Wonder Layout

More OSW with Sunbeam Stamps

Photo cards

Gig 'Em!