SC165 Sketch Challenge: (above)
Combined: Beate's Weekend Challenge: WSC37 and LSC156
This is the limited supply challenge that I mentioned in a previous post that I had started a week or more? ago. It was to use your signature-your own handwriting on the card. I got the idea to make this paper chain like we have in our house as my kids countdown to when their dad is returning.
I actually combined two challenges-the above mentioned and Beate's sketch challenge from this past weekend. It isn't my most favorite card I have ever made, (too much brown maybe?) but it's cute and I like the idea of the card.
After finishing these, I think I will have to call it quits already for this week-too much to do to get ready for my DH's arrival soon!!!! :)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Two Sketch challenges and WSC37 and SC165 and unfinished Limited Supply Challenge LSC156
Thursday, February 28, 2008
CC155 Color Challenge
CC155: Basic Black, River Rock, & Whisper White
I've known I have wanted to use this stamp for this challenge all along, but hadn't been able to find it-so today-I started cleaning and wala! Found it! A simple and pretty card I think. Formal, classy I dare say?, and girly. :) Didn't know what to do for a sentiment though-or what I will use the card for? Ideas?
***As for how many layers that it LOOKS like it has-it truly only has 5. The bottom white, the river rock, the black, the white, and then the river rock on top. The other black you see-are not layers, but where I took a black sharpie and ruler and just outlined the card to give it a frame without adding so many layers.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wanted to play
Aaaaahhhh! Finally! Been waiting for this set to come in the mail and it finally did and I have FINALLY sat down and gotten to play with it. Made this for a friend in mind, who hasn't been feeling too well this week. Hope she likes! How come I seem to either get it blurry or the flash makes it so bright that it dilutes the colors? For ex, the paper that the monkey is stamped on is certainly celery, although in this pic, it makes it look lighter than that. The tag and the main pic are up on dimensionals-everything else is pretty self-explanatory I think. The brown does have coconuts stamped all over as background, although it is hard to see them in the pic. On to a sketch challenge and to fulfilling my children's pleas for attention. )
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
More challenges: SC121, TLC157, plus
Working on a couple more sketches from last week still. SC121 and another (shown below)-PLUS the technique challenge (TLC157) for this week was to use at least two patterned papers. I used two plus stamped with versamark on the background one as well. The flower is chipboard which I inked-never done that before-I like how it turned out-kinda looks like wood I think. The stamp set is "Always". Anyway, I combined that challenge with the SC121 sketch challenge and came up with "Rustic Pink". :)
I'm also working on another challenge called a limited supply challenge from last week-this one they wanted you to add your signature to it-meaning use your own handwriting on it. I have the cutest idea of the card I want to do and have started it, but it will take some time to do one part of it, so...stay tuned! :) haha
In the meantime, my daughter has a fever...AGAIN. SHe just got over being sick about two weeks ago-and my oldest son was sick in between there, so...not so sure I will get much else done in the next couple of days. We'll see...
Can't seem to get away from these colors today. :) There are two smaller-hard to see-flowers in the upper left corner-thought they added another small, fun touch to the card. I really need to get a ticket punch instead of cutting these uneven ones I do. lol
Monday, February 25, 2008
SC164 Always
This card took me much longer than most, but I THINK I am happy with it finally. I actually really like the glittery glue dots I put on there randomly on the green-you can't see them very well though, so I took a pic of them close up-see below. Anyway, still not so sure about the placement of the bird...too low? I embossed the bird, used versimark for everything else-it's all from the set: Always and all s.u. paper. Didn't put a sentiment on there-couldn't find the right one or the right place...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Inspiration Challenge
Okay-I am kinda combining three things here b/c of lack of time to do more. I need to make something to take to a friend I visit for church stuff, so I thought I would combine the inspiration challenge and a sketch and also make something I can use today. So...I stamped a bag to fill with cookies, and made a card to go with it. I used the colors and flowers like in this pic as inspiration. The basket of flowers and drinks in the pic also reminds me of taking something to someone, so that kinda goes along with it too. The card I used the sketch below to bas it off of and made it match the bag as well. Not my most favorite I've ever done and not so sure about the Happy Bday stamp and punch on the card-I like the style of the one on the bag better, BUT...Very quick and simple, but hopefully still cute and whimsical and fun to receive. Happy Stamping! )
Turns out it was my oldest son's teacher's bday and the principal's bday and he wanted to take them something, so I made more bags and cards and filled them with banana chocolate chip cookies and sent them with him to school. I think I might like this one a bit better than the earlier one-although there is not a whole lot of difference-just the ribbons vs. the file tab.
Thanks for finding and sharing this sketch Misty!
Working on this one tonight as well as a couple other sketch challenges I still am behind on. I really like how these challenges have #1-made me actually use my stamps and supplies more and #2 made me start thinking and making such different cards from my norm. By doing the challenges, I am getting so much faster at making and coming up with cards too. If you aren't already, you should try them with me too! :)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
WSC36 Get Whale Soon
Here is another of Beate's weekend sketch challenges. I check her blog out almost daily. I love her stuff and she motivates me!!! I have two friends that were sick this weekend and I just got these stamps in and thought I would make them each a card and take them some chicken soup and flowers too. It has taken me all weekend to get it all done though and now they are on the mend. Oh well, I am sure they will still eat. haha Which card do you like best? I am taking a vote. I think I went a little rhinestone crazy too. lol (The colors are a little muted-sorry.)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Still going...
Woke up this am and wanted to keep on stampin'. I intended to do some of the sketch challenges I am behind on, but decided to wing it for now and just see what I came up with. This is what came out of it. I like the second one better. The first is kinda plain jane. Do you think the first could be used as a masculine card though? The second card-I used my pearl ex powder for that main image-it's hard to see the pearly/shiny in the pic though. (for the "recipes" go to my gallery on at:
If that link doesn't work, just go to the site and look it up under my name there: powergirl
Friday, February 22, 2008
Okay-(how many posts do I begin with that word? haha) Anyway-we had our stamp club night tonight. Last month we did the mailboxes, the calendar I am showing here, and another card where we learned the embossing/bleach technique. (I really liked the card and I can't find it now!!! Grrrr...)
Tonight we did three projects as well and I loved all three! I learned two new techniques-the cracked glass (don't know what it is called?) technique shown on the first card below here. The 2nd one is where you sponge inside a template you make...what's this one called Misty?(You can click on any of the pics to see them up closer and larger.)
and then for the third project, we made these CUTE CUTE froggie smores jars and recipe cards. (Don't they looks so funny staring at you through the jars-like help me! Free the frogs! LOL You can also alter them to any kind of smores-easter ones with chicks or bunnies and they even have cow mm you can use. We were laughing saying you could call them cow-patty smores.
It was a small group tonight, but lots of fun! Thanks Sarah and Susan (and Jerry for helping with the kids.) :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Another one from today
I want to keep going, but I have to call it quits for now after this one. This one was so fast and simple, but I think it is quite elegant still. I think next time, I might emboss the black swirls though and I am not sure this stamp is the best (quality). I picked it up at Joann's for $1. It reminded me of the Baroque set that I have seen look so nice on cards. Anyway...what do you think? Too simple? Need something else? I was trying to figure out where to put some plain white primas or pearls, but I couldn'd find anywhere that it looked good. I do like that this card could be masculine or feminine also-in a way for both. The little metal "thank you" tag I actually found a pack of in the wedding section at HobLob. Thought they could be fun.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
SC Inspiration Challenge
I haven't ever done one of the inspiration challenges, but for some reason, this one seems more do-able to me this week. Don't know whether it is because of the picture/inspiration or just my frame of mind. Can you believe I was thinking about this and the limited supply challenge in my sleep last night? lol
Anyway-you are to use the bottom right picture to be your inspiration-birch, bark, and birds.
Okay-mine turned out nothing like I had in mind and nothing like I have EVER done before-kinda a weird card I think. I can't decide if I even like it. I'm done playing with it though. I still don't know how it got here. ??? lol At least it has birds and bark in it, although I don't know if it would be considered birch. :)
(The frame is up on dimensionals. Everything else is not, although I did not glue down the birds, anchor, and part of the boat and rope and they are kinda curled up so that they are sticking out some.)
Is the pearl too much? I tried to put it in the boat or in the sand, but...?
Friday, February 15, 2008
LSC155 Limited supply challenge
(By the way, for those of you who don't know this, most of the challenges come from:
For the challenge this week, we are using CIRCLE STAMPS. If you think you don't own any circle stamps, look more closely -- you may be surprised to find that you do. If you don’t own any circle stamps, consider these or other options: make a circle stamp using extra rubber from trimming your stamps, fun foam, a wine cork, cap from a bottle, pencil eraser, coin, potato, or come up with your own idea.
Stamps: circles + a sentiment (optional)
*** Flowers are not considered circles, but a circle stamp may have flowers or other images on it.
Paper: any colors, No designer paper, no cuttlebug embossing
Ink: any
Punches: round only (includes round dies such as circle nestabilities)
ALL embellishments (including ribbon) must be in circle form (i.e., brads, eyelets, a circle or ring of glitter, etc.).
No limit on layers
The card itself does not have to be a circle. It can be a normal card.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Too much? the ribbon too much?
I love this stamp! I have had it for years and am personally not a big teddy bear kind of person myself, but this one always seems to look good to me. I was excited to try out a new "plank" wheel I got too-it looks great as the "wood" background I think.
Don't know if you can tell, but the whole center is up on dimensionals too.
Simple card, but cute still and not toooooo cutesy hopefully.
Friday, February 15, 2008
WSC 35 Blah Blah Blah
Another of Beate's weekend challenges:
I like this stamp-think it's hilarious that you would be sending/writing in a card to someone with this title on the front.
Used some BRIGHT colors on this one-but I think it still turned out fun-not too loud. The colors are kinda diluted again. I am having a hard time figuring out the lighting on some cards.
I got to use my new wheel and found this older set where the flowers kinda resembled/matched the ones on the wheel too. Yeah! I did have a hard time putting the top layer down in the corner-kept wanting to move it up.
Anyway-it's good to think and "make" out of our own "box". Thanks Beate!
Friday, February 15, 2008
SC163 A Little Birdie
Here is the sketch challenge from Wednesday-I am just now getting to it today and didn't think I would even today. My son is home sick now though, so we are quarantined to the house, which opened up my schedule some, so...why not stamp? The laundry will still be there tomorrow. (It is actually folded-just needs to be put away still.)
This card didn't turn out exactly how I had envisioned-more of a masculine feel to it than I intended, but then again, normally that feel is harder for me to make-not sure about that flower being so masculine though. lol
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentines Gifts
Well, I still haven't had time to do the sketch challenge for this week-tomorrow...I was up LATE last night finishing up the kids gifts for teachers for Valentines and finishing up their valentines for friends. I still have to finish getting the crafts ready for the kids to do at their school party today. What was I thinking making the valentines, the teacher gifts, and offering to do the crafts???!!! Oh well-the kids' valentines are nothing special, but were fun for them to make. The first pic is from B to his friends and the second pic are from C to his friends (They are tile magnets he made himself!). The third and fourth pics are sets for teachers (sorry they are a little blurry-don't know what was up with my cam, but you get the picture...) and we did single magnets for others like the principal too. (the pic above all of this is a gift for C's teacher. I LOVE IT! and want to make more like that!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Color Challenge CC153
The color challenge for SCS this week was to use: green galore, tempting turquoise, and a craft (or other tan) brown. Well, I looked through my paper and didn't have any of these colors on hand, but I had some that were VERY close to those colors, so I made do with them. I was actually excited about these colors together-they're bright and fun! (this pic makes the colors look a little dilute, but it was washed out more with the flash, so...oh well)
I had to run into Hobby Lobby today to grab some more small bags for my son's valentines we are making and just happened to see the 1/2 price stamp signs up and found this new sentiment-along with the felt flowers in the easter aisle. Score!
Anyway, this is what I came up with: (and I actually got to stamp more on this one!)
Turned out fun I think-I like the sentiment-makes me smile/laugh. :)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Once again, not a whole lot of stampin' going on-but I have been hoarding all kinds of paper forever and I wanted to make a quick card, so...wala!
I love these colors! For some reason I have always liked pink and orange together-ask my sisters-they know. Anyway-I love pinks and greens too. I think these are the colors I would have decorated my room if I could have chosen when I was a girl. Now...I would add a bit of brown in there too probably. :)
Anyway-I like it-it's cheery! and springy.
The 2nd pic is some of the scraps I had made trying to make the first card-then I changed my mind-so I just threw them all together for another card...

Hi! I'm Robyn from Create it. Go! and I love to create! Whether its a wood craft, painting, papercrafting, simple sewing, vinyl, new recipes, photography adventures, or fun with my Silhouette, join me for tutorials and loads of fun!
Instagram: @robyncreates
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Are you still looking for a fun and quick gift? Want something different? Well, I have the perfect little idea for you! And it's so fun...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringingInnovation #Collect...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DropShopAndOil #CollectiveBi...
So So So excited to share this week's From this to that Friday with you!!! I thought of this last year and never got a chance to make i...
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Copyright Protection
- Two Sketch challenges and WSC37 and SC165 and unfi...
- CC155 Color Challenge
- Wanted to play
- More challenges: SC121, TLC157, plus
- SC164 Always
- Inspiration Challenge
- WSC36 Get Whale Soon
- Still going...
- Clubbin'
- Another one from today
- CC154 Color Challenge
- SC Inspiration Challenge
- LSC155 Limited supply challenge
- Too much?
- WSC 35 Blah Blah Blah
- SC163 A Little Birdie
- Valentines Gifts
- Color Challenge CC153
- Smile
- Jumbo Paperclips-all spruced up!
- Perpetual Cookie Sheet Calendars
- More challenges coming your way WSC34 and SC146
- I'm on a roll...kind of
- Notebook Altering
- New challenge(s)
- Power Look-alike Meter
- Power Look-alike Meter
- Power Look-alike Meter
- Tagged!
- Try this Brain Pattern thing out-kinda fun
- Valentines Day-masculine
- Simple Happiness
- Beate's Weekend Sketch

Button Up!
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and proud to be an #ldsmommyblogger
Papercrafting Below:

Card portfolio
Inside view


Stair-step card

Army Pride

One Sheet Wonder Layout

More OSW with Sunbeam Stamps

Photo cards

Gig 'Em!