June 2008 ~ Create it. Go!

Friday, June 27, 2008

More diorama cards

Last week, we needed some structured activity time with my kids and a friend of theirs that was over, so I taught them how to make diorama cards. I think they liked it and they are each very proud of their cards-even my littlest Aj. :) (She carried hers around for a couple of days.)
(below: BJ's)
(below: AJ's)(below:CJ's)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Breast Cancer set

I have a few friends I wanted to make cards for out of this set and finally got to making one this week-I want to try some more still...got to try my mini sewing machine out again too! Anyone know how to make it NOT unravel? (I don't know if that was grammatically correct.) :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

A few friends and I got together this week to make some hairbows for our little girls. I hate paying as much as they cost, when my daughter then loses them half the time. So, I got a box of 100 clips at Sally's Beauty Supply (for 4.99) and we all brought ribbon. (This way we could make soooo many more for soooo much less money-always a good thing, right?) Unfortunately, while they were here, we didn't get too many made (between the kids and lunch and just getting used to making them). Afterward though, I kept working on them through the afternoon and now I have lots more! I think they turned out pretty cute. What do you think? My daughter likes the zebra one, but I am not sure yet what she will wear it with?!! :)

Update: Her first pick everyday since has been the white polka-dotted one now. Surprised me! Didn't figure the white would be her fav... :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun with Blocks

Here are some blocks I made for my son. I made it where he can turn them around to spel his first, middle, or last name. I think they turned out cute! I want to make some more now for my daughter or even to place around somewhere in the house. My DH was laughing saying, "make some that say piano and put them on the piano, and some that say tv and put them on the tv", and he went on...haha!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cute! Cute!

A friend and I gave a baby shower to another friend last weekend. My co-host made the cutest cake for a table decor and for a thank you for the guests and I didn't take a pic of it!!!!! AGAIN!!! She has templates to make boxes in the shape of a piece of cake and she made 25 of them-two sizes. She then stacked them and put them on a cake platter with a bottle at the top. It was soooo cute! They were made out of acetate (or transparencies) and then filled with m&m's. She then decorated the outside of them with flowers and blings!. I'll post a pic I took of the table from aways away where it was sitting and you can get the idea, along with a pick of some of the individual cake pieces. Thanks S!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Father's Day Card Creations

Father's day is almost here and I was thinking I better get some cards made. I saw these cute #1 paperclips at Walmart a few weeks ago and picked up a pack with Father's Day in mind. In the meantime, I thought they would also be great for a teacher (end of yr) card, but never got that far. Anyway...so, I wanted to use them to make a card, but then I couldn't find the pkg yesterday a, so I went another direction and cased this card (the orange and blue one to the right) I found on splitcoast a couple weeks back. I saved the card, but can't find who's card it was. (Sorry to whoever created the original card and inspired me-if I figure out who you are, I will post your name and give you the credit you deserve.)

(I did a variation of the card because I had a limited supply of accessories...do you have a fav? I like the one I created first I think, which is the one in the middle.)
Later, I found the paperclips, so I attempted to make another card, but my mojo apparently had left me, because this is what came from the 2nd card. My kids still like it though and will want to give it to my hubby. (I can post this all ahead of time, b/c he rarely looks at his blog.) :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Inspiration challenge and Stitching

Well, I decided to try Beate's inspiration challenge. My first challenge and first card in a few weeks I think...I am not so sure I like it, but at least the challenge got me started. I never really love the cards I have done so far for inspiration challenges, but they do get me thinking and creating differently. For this one, I broke out the tiny tiny sewing machine my sis-in-law gave me a year ago? and actually used it for the first time. It was actually quite easy to use and it was fun to try something new. I am anxious to try it on more cards. (Except, who can tell me the best way to glue or tie the ends so that the stitching does not come out of the paper at the ends. I wish I could backstitch like a normal sewing machine.)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MIA again

I was so frustrated with myself. I made a cute card for a friend that is expecting and got to use me preg-a-bella stamp that I hadn't used yet. I love that stamp! And I FORGOT to take a pic of the card before I gave it to her. Bummer! I'll have to trya nd re-create it again. It was also my first card to make that was also a gift card holder. I promise that it turned out cute though! :)
The water pitcher said "Thanks for sowing seeds of knowledge". (Hope the pics are ok-I put a soft focuson the outside to try and drown out the busy-ness of the photo surroundings-too much construction going on at our house and there wasn't a good place to take a pic...)
I am alive still and I actually have done a couple of projects (besides helping my DH totally re-do our kitchen). I stamped some canvas bags for piano students and threw together a "seeded" theme gift for my oldest son's end of year gift. I also have to make a card today, so I will post pics later this week...sometime...I hope. (getting ready for a baby shower at my house this weekend too and we have to get our kitchen functional again by then. lol)