August 2008 ~ Create it. Go!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Yes, I actually did make something! It is a card and gift for my niece for her 8th birthday and for her upcoming baptism. The theme this year in our children's organization at church is "I am a Child of God" and I thought this went right along with it. I got it for her to remember always that she is a beloved child of God. I hope she likes it!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Better late than Never

We took these pics last March before R came home and I am just now getting to collaging them and printing them to hang up soon. Very simple, but I really like them!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Great new website-Vanilla Joy!

A friend of mine showed me this great new website that has a wealth of information on it! It's called Vanilla Joy and is found at this web address:

(Or you can just click on the highlighted words "Vanilla Joy" above)

You should definitely check it out! They are doing all sorts of giveaways this week, (including a cricut!!!! and tons more stuff each day!!!) but more than that, I love how this woman started this site! I have already bookmarked it for myself.

The blog creator is a mother and crafter and started this site for other mothers and their families and interests. So, you can find things about motherhood, stuff for the kids like kids face painting, crafts, , creative date ideas, and more family fun. She even has a post about discipline for children! Who doesn't like getting more help and other people's ideas and takes on that?

Anyway-this is definitely the week to check out this site with all the giveaways! Have fun!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

More than one pic

I typically don't do many scrapbk pages with only one pic on the page. Yes, it spotlights the pic, but to me, it takes too much time and money to do scrapbooking that way. I like things fairly simple too. My to make some scrapbk pages with a computer program I have (or rather collages most of the time) and then to put them on a 12x12 paper and still get to do a little creating there too.

This page, however (which I am not sure I am done with yet), I really liked this quote and wanted to put it on a page with a newborn pic. And the quote just seemed to disappear with more pics, we are. (This is, of course, before I put it on a 12x12. I'll do that sometime next month?)

Your thoughts?

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Does this count as creating something I can post? I made this the other day in about ten min. It turned out pretty cute. I am playing around with ideas and ways to scrapbook right now-a little preview of next month perhaps?

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I might need a heart too.

(It's been a day with my kids.)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Need a brain

I feel like the scarecrow from the Wizard of OZ when it comes to cardmaking now. I need a brain. I started my last and third set of OSW and am in a rut. I was making one card, and just kept adding to it, and then it was too much and it was...well, yech! So, I thought, I'll give it a couple days and I still feel the same way. So...I decided to make a card for a friend I was sending a pkg to today. Well, it turned out OKAY, but nothing to brag about. Actually, I was going to take a pic of it anyway, b/c I like to keep them on file and forgot to take the pic before I sent the card. Oh well. Like I said, it was "just there". Anyway...I have been doing some major deep cleaning in my kids' rooms this week though. At least I am making something look good. :) I'll keep working on some creations and post them when I get them done.

Here is a pic of the DP and colors I am making this last set of OSW with. We'll see if I can make them turn out okay.On another note, I have decided that in Septembert (much to my own dismay) I will not be stamping any cards (unless I need to for a specific occasion). I will, however, be scrapbooking the whole month instead. See...I make cards much more often than I scrapbk. I haven't done any scrapbk pages in about two years and before that, it was another 2-3 years. Scrapbooking takes more thought and energy to me, BUT my poor younger two children don't really have one to look at and always ask if the baby pics of my oldest son are pics of them as a baby. (Oops!) A couple of years ago, I decided it would be neat to give my kids a scrapbk each Christmas as their gift from my husband and I. Well, I started them that year and gave them to them unfinished and unfinished they still sit. I have changed the way I scrapbook over the years (even with the minimal amount I have done) and have simplified greatly and use more of the computer I am trying to do it again this year. So...wish me luck! I'll show you my creations later. :)

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, August 18, 2008

OSW Set #2 with Sunbeam Stamps

Okay-the pic above is the paper I used for this second set of OSW. I used the same layout as the post below to cut the DP, but made some different card layouts with it. I got 15 cards out of this set. Each set, I DID have a couple of scraps left over too...I just couldn't figure out what to do with the last few little pieces that didn't go together.

These will be really fun gifts to wrap as a set and give away! :) Easy and simple and a fast way to make a bunch of cards at one time!

This time, I think my fav is #5 The Motherhood one with the rhinestones OR I like #15 (last card shown) the square CTR card too. What's yours?

(Above:) I took this pic at a weird angle to try and show the heat embossing better-I wish it came out darker than it did..

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunbeam Stamps and OSW

Well, I have been working on some new cards with some new stamps I recently got-thanks to Sunbeam Stamps!!! (Thank you! Thank you!) I love their stamps! They are original and stamp very clearly-both the wood mounted ones and the ones that you use with an acrylic block. They have some new releases that should be coming out anyday now. They also have a contest going on that looks like lots of fun!!! If you win, you can get some free stamps from them!! You should check out their website for more details and to see their wonderful stamps!

Laura, at Sunbeam Stamps, asked me to create some One Sheet Wonder (OSW) cards with their stamps and I was happy and excited to do so! I couldn't decide on what DP (designer paper) to use though, so I decided to use three sheets of DP, making three sets of cards. Well, initially this sounded great, but I didn't think about how many cards that would actually make. It really is still great, just taking more time than I had originally planned/thought, since I am making close to 50 cards instead of 14 or so...anyway, I have the first set finished and am working on the next.
Soooo...if you don't know ho
w OSW's work, you choose a 12x12 sheet of Dp and then use colored and/or white cardstock for the actual card itself. You then take the DP and cut it using this diagram, to the left, (or another you may have). You then use those pieces of DP to create your card layouts/sketches. You may also use scraps of other paper and embellishments. (I typically use 3-4 other colors that I work with each set I make from one sheet of DP.)

Here is a pic of the 12x12 sheet of DP I picked and the cardstock colors I also chose and cut to use as cards and as extra color/scraps.

Depending on how I made the card sketches, depended on how many cards I got out of each set. I got between 14-16 from each set though (each 12x12 sheet of DP). Each set I am making, some of the acrd layouts are the same and some are different. Some I copied from ones we previously made at our club night Thanks Sarah!) and some I just came up with.

Well, here they are! Let me know what your favorite one is...I am always curious to know. :)


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Diaper Bag Tags

Yeah! A new post!

Sorry it's been awhile...last week we went to "Cousins Camp" with my family and I had scheduled some posts while I was gone, but it's take me a few days to get back into the game. (and a few loads of laundry!) :)

Anyway...I started two projects today. I'll show you one, since I finished that one already. :)

I have seen these on splitcoast and thought that they were so cute and a great idea. They are tags to hang from your diaper bag with your child's info and your info as well, for when you leave them with a babysitter, daycare, etc. I've been wanting to make them for awhile and today was the day! :)

So, here they are! Obviously one is for a girl and the other for a boy. Is the boy one too fru-fruey (as if that is a word!) for a boy with all the ribbons on the top. I didn't like it without them though...I like the little frogs on the sides of the boy one too. (You may have to click on the pic to see them better.) Too bad you can't hang them from your purse...that would look silly! I just like them!!! Luggage would work...

Ingredients: cardstock, stamps, punches, ink, ribbon, notebook ring clip, ID badge holder, eyelets, little plastic flowers and rhinestones, and adhesive

There you go! What do you think?
My sister told me she made these for her kids' backpacks and lunch kits last year. What a great diea! And Yeah! Another reason to make more...that we can actually use in our house! :) Look for more to come!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Oh Baby Baby Baby!

This past weekend, I went to two baby showers and needed to make some quick cards the night before. I haven't used this stamp in prob a year?? But I still love it and so I pulled it out and of course I still love the cards. So simple, but sooo cute!

I also set eyelets on either side at the top and tied a string across the stamped image of the clothesline. I couldn't decide if I should put the mini clothespin on the actual clothesline or down where it is pictured...I ended up leaving it down.

I was also going to mount some yellow behind the image, but somehow forgot that when making them. Oh well. Next time...I don't know if I will ever get tired of this stamp. (It's a wheel for those of you who don't know and sooooo very easy to use. then you just color the clothes in.) I used my pastels (chalks) and my blender pen for the coloring. After the showers, I started thinking about the last card I made with this stamp and I think I also put a ribbon bow at the top center, but I didn't have the "Happy New Baby" on it either. I'll have to see if it is too much to add the bow next time as well.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cutest card

How imaginative! A friend gave me this cute little card, where she hung all these ribbons! How simple, easy, and cheery! I would never have thought of doing that! I love it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer Sweet Treats

I have seen these being made for a few weeks now and after my sister made some, apparently I was inspired enough to try some for myself. Thanks K! (who got the dimensions and all from this blog:

I don't have the cute cute tart and tangy set that everyone is using for the fruit though (strawberries, lemon, etc.), so I searched through my stamps for something that would work. Here's what I came up with...I like the chocolate one best I think. :) How about you? ( BYt he way, if you click on the pic, you can see what it says better. It says "Remember stressed spelled backwards is desserts!" :)