December 2008 ~ Create it. Go!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Well, I wish I had something wonderful and new to show you, but I don't. I won't be able to post the rest of this week too-not enough time to do everything. But I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great week! Stay warm! :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

CUTE CUTE card! Lots of work!

Here's another card we made last week at our stamp club night. It is sooo cute! But I am glad that I am not making a bunch of them! :) The coloring...and the cutting...

We used crystal effects and then glitter on top of it on the roof and embossed with cinnamon and embossing powder so it smells good too!!!
Thanks again S! Love it!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snowflakes and children...

Made up this little poem and gave it out with a snowflake ornament to everyone who helps teach in some way in our church's children organization as a little thank you. I wanted to talk about the uniqueness of both and how each is a treasure to us also. I hope it came across that way and went together okay as well???? (Not sure if you can read it-maybe if you click to enlarge?)

Monday, December 15, 2008


Yeah! My brother brought me his old digi camera and saved me from the land of no posts. :) AND I got to stamp at our stamp night this past weekend!

So, here are a couple of the projects we did. The first is done on glossy cardstock and I love how it turned out. The second one shown here is an acetate box filled with Hershey's nuggets. We just stamped mailing labels and wrapped them around each nugget. Easy and not too long either. I love it too!
(Tried to show you a side view, ignore the background mess please.)

More to come later! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Alive and running

I really am still here and even alive and not only kicking, but running! It feels like it at least-running from one thing to another and one thing to get done to another...which means that I have had absolutely not time whatsoever to stamp or create much of anything. I still have cards I started the week before last that are still sitting unfinished. Grrrr...and now I have a new problem. I accidentally dropped my camera last night and cracked it where the lens comes out when it turns on. AAAAHHH! So no digital camera right now either. so...hate to say this, but I am not sure when I will get to stamp next, let alone post the pics. Grrrr....

I'll try and stay in touch and keep you posted.

In the meantime, enjoy the hustle and bustle and spirit of the season! :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

From this to That Friday!

Well this is not the FTTT that I have been trying to get done, but is another one fun one to share! :)

From this:To that:
I made this a couple of years ago, so the pic of the branch in the 1st pic is not the exact same one as the branch in the 2nd pic-but it works, you just go get a random one from your yard. I saw this idea at a baby shower with all kinds of baby things hung all over it for decoration. (pacifiers, socks, clippers, etc...) I then made one for the same reason and turned it into a game at the shower as well. It was sitting on a table as guests arrived as a centerpiece and later, I took it away without being noticed and then they had to try and remember all of the baby items that had been hing on it. (Then later, I gave all the items to the guest of honor for her baby.)

Since then, we use it every year during various seasons to hang things from, whether it be snowflakes like this (found at the Dollar Store) or leaves or hearts-whatever!
You just get a branch from outside (spray paint it white), a pot, and some plaster of paris and wala! There you have it! (Mine used to have a few more branches on it, that have broken off here and there over the last couple of years. Oh well. More character to the tree, huh?) :)

I'm off to go to my nephew's baby blessing this weekend, but will have more time next week to share more with you! :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How cute is this!

And how simple too! Sometimes I wonder if I make things harder than they have to be.

Lindsey, my bloggin'/stamping buddy, who I guest blogged for, sent this to me full of Dove chocolate! Who wouldn't love that?!! (My kids and DH certainly did too!) :) I figured they deserved to share with me, since they gave up more time with me (or more patience when I stayed up late stamping) during that week. :) I did love guest blogging and getting some more time in for projects though, so thanks again Lindsey!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas is coming...the goose is getting fat

Here's a quick card I threw together at my mom's over Thanksgiving! Not my fav, but it'll do for now.