February 2009 ~ Create it. Go!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

More...So soon!??? Yeah!

I loved finding some time to stamp this weekend!

This next card I actually started out with that last sketch (from the previous post) in mind. BUT...I liked my clouds too much to cover them up, so I changed it around.

I think it turned out fun-colorful too! Great for kids huh?
I liked it. :)

(The fence is done on velum and the clouds I made with my scallop punch. I punched out a scalloped circle from scrap paper and then sponged around it onto this paper.)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Monkey Business SC217

Got another sketch challenge in! Yeah!

Still not sure about the ribbon-but it seemed too much empty space without it...

Friday, February 27, 2009


TOFW is a Women's Conference that my sisters, mom, and I go to every year together. It is uplifting and sooooooo much fun!

After last year's conf, I started making these cards and magnets to send to each of my sisters and mom to help us remember some of the speakers and the time together. The next one is already coming up an I have yet to send them out...another project that got put on the backburner during the holidays, but I am slowly getting there.I made a pic collage of us all there together, made a card (that I think I actually showed you months earlier-you can see how long ago I started them), and also another "postcard-type" pic with sentiment with magnets on the back. A singer/speaker there (Hilary Weeks) told a story about a family of quail and tied it into the way we react as mothers to our children. I want to always remember that story as a reminder to me, so I put a pic of quail on the card as well.

Anyway, here's hoping I get them out by the end of this week. :)

More variations:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cased cards

I saw this card (to the bottom right) a couple weeks ago on Splictoast and again loved the elegant simplicity of it. So, I cased it.

I had a limited selection of ribbon that wide and sheer, so I went with these lighter colors and I have to say I like the contrast of her deeper, richer, red. In fact, I am contemplating that my cards need backgrounds, rather than the stark, bright white I have now...I still like the simplicity of them though.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Another Christmas Project Finished!

Here is another project that I started before Christmas and am just now finishing. It is an origami star box that I thought would be fun to use to give out treats in. I found the directions for it here.

I used a 12x12 sheet of DP cardstock, and stamped one side ahead of time...added a few stamps on top and...that's it folks! :)

Monday, February 23, 2009


No, I am not WISHING for winter and it has NOT finally come...but I DID start this "wintery" card before Christmas and just got to finishing it last night.

I saw this card (that is posted to the left) on Splitcoast (in Dec?) and loved the beautiful simplicity of it, so I cased it and made my own version. She used a cuttlebug (if I remember correctly) to do the embossing. Unfortunately, I don't have one, so I did my dry embossing (the snowflakes) the old fashioned way once again-with a stylus and a stencil.
I DO love how it turned out though. I love the simplicity of it. I actually tried adding some of that frayed looking yarn down the spine of the card, but liked it better this way. I think it is much prettier in person, so if you want to come on over...LOL

Anyway...at least I can check it off of my "projects to finish" list. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

More OSW

Last night, for our club car night, we made more OSW. Who wouldn't like that? Coming home with a bunch of cards? Sounds good to me!

I kinda made some changes to a few from the original designs last night... ;) Added stuff here and there-sometimes added too much. Grrrr...Didn't have a sentiment the right size for the next one, so I hand wrote it and don't love it. :(
WOOOOO! Stop with the paper piercing! (below) Too much Robyn! LOL
Do you ever keep adding things, and adding more, and more trying to get it right, and then it is just way too much and YECH! Should have left it alone to begin with? Well, this next one is an example of that-turned out really weird and yech!Last one...
NOt my favs, but simple, fast and easy. Need to put in some more time stamping to get some mojo back. IF it ever comes back.

Happy Weekend!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fairy Grateful for FTTT Friday!

It's been awhile, but today I am back with a FTTT (From this to that) Friday!

For today, I combine my FTTT with Monday's TLC Challenge on Splitcoast (TLC208). You can find the challenge here as well as a link with the pattern for the box. These are sooooo easy! All you need is a sheet of cardstock and then decorate it up!

You start with this:(You don't need a 12x12 piece of paper, either. But I wanted a double sided one, and I only have those in 12x12.)

And end up with:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Going for the Gold? No, the Green!

My son got this cute little box as one of his Valentines, and I thought how simple and cute!
So I unfolded it and made my own pattern.
Then went to "work" making my own version and came up with this:
How easy can it get??!! The shamrock on top is a sticker (complete with rhinestones) that I got from Target last year and never found something to use it for. I just added a couple of circles underneath it, some more sparkle, printed a sentiment off (with my computer and printer) and wala! (I also used a removable glue dot to keep it closed.)

How fun would some gold covered chocolate coins look inside this?!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chocolate Centerpieces!!!

My dad just had his 60th birthday and we gave him a Surprise Bday party. For the tables, we actually just spread chocolate out on them, but later I thought how simple and cute this would have been.

I just cut these two Hershey's kiss/chocolate chip shaped papers out of brown cardstock and cut a slit in the top of one and in the bottom of the other and put them together. How easy is that?! These are actually only about 4 inc tall? But if you did them larger and put Hershey's kisses around them, I think it would be adorable! You could also stamp a sentiment on the paper kiss if you go larger.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Okay-I really did do some Valentines projects, but then gave them away before I remembered to take pics of them. Bummer!

I made some cute little post it holders to sit on desks with the clear acrylic frames. I used the stamp "I Stink you're Sweet" (with the skunk) and used the colors: bright pink, black and white and even found a heart shaped post-it notepad to put on it. They really were cute. Then I added an RSVP pen with matching paper inside it. I put them in a heart shaped basket along with a candle and candy and added some fru-fru-ey (sp?) ribbon to the handle and my kids gave them to their teachers for Valentines Day.

I so wish I had pics of them! I also found some apple shaped post-its and thought they would be too cute done the same way with my Teacher-bella stamp on the acrylic frames. I'll have to make one soon and show it to you.

I had planned on making more to go along with the notepad holder, but didn't have the time, so maybe I can work on some more projects this week. But then again, I have 3 other cards/projects I started before the holidays that are still unfinished as well as several ideas I have wanted to make since then as well. I need to find more time!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I don't usually show these step by step processes, but maybe you can give more criticism this way? I also don't usually take this long to figure things out. But I am out of the habit of stamping.

Do you like this clip on it better?

I think I am done with this card. I like it now, not a fav, but I do like it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Much better...

It's getting there...

Step by step...

I tried adding background to the pink too, but I didn't like it-decided I liked it blank.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Princess Card

I mdae one of these in another color scheme last year for one of my nieces when she was baptized to help her remember that she is a daughter of Heavenly Father, therefor a daughter of royal birth. I told her when she wears it, to remember how much her Heavenly Father loves her.

So, I made another for another niece this weekend-different colors though...and the way they look in the pic is not as pretty as in person-they are so saffron and ???? a dark lavender.

Anyway...I still like it. I love how it matches the necklace box. And I love this poem. (I printed it from my computer.)

Too busy though?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Too many Dots

Here is another effort at the color challenge and Sketch challenge combined (again) this week.

SC214 & CC204A: Creamy Cameo Olives
(Creamy Caramel, Cameo Coral, Old Olive)

I don't like the way this card turned out. I like the colors...and the layout, so it's just me that messed it up. :) Too many dots...and it needs background stamping...I had planned on doing it and then somehow got ahead of myself and didn't realize that I had skipped that step, until the whole thing was put together...maybe I'll try again.

I tried to bleach out the middle of the owl inside the embossing of it (the owl is embossed on.), but it only seemed to somewhat work on this color. I've done it another time when it worked much better...have to keep working on that.

I also altered the size of the card to a larger square.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ever heard of challenges?

How long has it been? FOREVER!!!!! Hopefully I am on the upswing back!
I got this "new" (retired) set off ebay and it came today! Even my husband said it was good one! Great for valentines from my boys right? I love it! Among others, I also want Darling Dragons, and have looked for Scouts at play for years? but never catch it at a price I will pay and miss it when it goes for less.

Anyway-wanted to make a cute card and the fastest way I know is by using sketches and color challenges, so here are this past week's challenges together! SC213 and CC203 Not my best work, but it's still a fun card and a start back. :)

CC203: Garden Green, Baja Breeze, Pacific Point