March 2009 ~ Create it. Go!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(Final) March Stamp Club #4

This is the last one I have for you from club this month. I love this bleach technique, where you emboss and then bleach the center. LOVE IT!!! Pretty colors here too-kinda neutral, but I really like it! (I should have turned my stamp around more on the top though-now it looks like a bunch of weeds growing up behind the flower.) LOL

Thanks again S!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Stamp Club #3...kinda

Well, I have to say with this one, that it may look quite different from the original one that S made as an example to make for club night. I did use the yellow from hers, the same layout, and the white paper-but changed the colors basically. It was kinda bright for me, so I thought I would try it this can't tell, but the b&w DP paper is glittered (is that a word?) as well. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

March Stamp Club #2

#2 project we made-the pillow box-LOVE how simple these are to put together! I need to get the template to this one!

I also realized there were flowers on everything we did this month-intentional S? Very spring-y! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March Stamp club #1

Here is a very pretty card done in soft colors for our club this month. Very pretty. Thanks S and we missed you! (You're much better at hosting the club nights than me.) :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

God Bless Texas

Love using this stamp to make these great TX cards...sent this one to some friends who used to live here along with some TX shaped tortilla chips, Armadillo droppings (pralines), Bluebonnet seeds, a TX platter and magnet and more fun! :) Hope they know how much we miss them! :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

More altered notebooks

Here are the other notebooks I mentioned in a few posts back that I made in addition to the ones already posted. I had fun making them and hope everyone enjoyed them!

Thanks again Mom for taking us all!

Friday, March 20, 2009


This is another FTTT that I actually included as a pic in another FTTT two weeks ago.

It is a little box I got from Target's Dollar Spot awhile back and I altered it. I like the way it turned

From this:To:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

And there's more...

A couple more cards that could be used for new babies...the bottom one could be used for Mother's Day or any day really for a mother as well. (Sorry the pics aren't the best-still trying to figure this camera out...on the top card, one of my fav!!!!!! baby stamps to use!!!...the pink ""baby" in the center is up on dimensionals as is the whole stamp in the the bottom pic, one of my fav layouts with this stamp...the pearls add so much, although you can't really tell in the pic.)

Like this paisley patterned paper! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baby blues

Yep-more baby cards-this time in blue. Simple...too simple on the 2nd one? The stamp at the bottom is embossed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More babies...

A friend of mine asked for some baby girl cards, so here are a couple of the cards that I came up with tonight...variations of previously made cards of mine...On a side note-I altered more notebooks last week and will show them to you when I can get the pics from my sister. (Batteries died on my camera)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Notebook Altering

Well, it's Friday today and I really could even count this post as a FTTT...

AND.............It's that time again! Time for my sisters and mom and I to go to TOFW (Time Out for Women)!!!! Yeah! Hooray! Whoop! Hallelujah!

This time I thought ahead! :) I found out what color the tickets were in (that is usually the color theme for the program, bags, etc.) and made up these cute notebooks/journals for us all to take notes in!

I'm psyched! Hope they like them as much as I do!

(The notebooks are 8.5x4 and I found them at Michael's Dollar Spot, although this week, they are 3 for $2!!! They come in all different colors and have lined paper inside. They came in these little cello bags, so after I altered them, I put them back in there for now.)

My fav is the first one pictured and the last one, although my hubby's is the 2nd and 5th. I also like how the 3rd is so different. I did quite a bit of dry embossing and heat embossing. I did the 4th one first and of course like it the least now. I have never used the little beads and I like them in the center of the flower on the 6th one pictured.

Which one is your fav?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Bet you didn't expect this for a post!

My son is a cub scout, so he is used to making a Pinewood Derby car each year to race. This year, our family decided to each make a car to race after the "official" race at this year's Pinewood Derby. I have always wanted to make one, so I was all for it! :)

I wasn't sure what to do with mine, except I decided that I wanted to stamp on mine. :) (Shocker!) Since I am also Primary pres (head of the children's organization at my church), I also thought it would be fun to do a car that represented something we learn in primary, so, I chose this "CTR" stamp(stands for "Choose the Right"-unless of course you heard the "new" phrase it can stand for at our last stake conference broadcast :) which I also thought was great!) from Sunbeam Stamps and embossed it onto the painted car and it worked great!

Yeah! And loads of fun!

Friday, March 6, 2009


I'm excited to show you this week's FTTT Friday. I think it turned out cute!

I started with this:And ended up with:


I added some stuff to fill the inside with:THEN......................................................I added a couple more things too. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Simply Pink this time...

I needed a "girl" baby card and realized I didn't have any baby girl ones made up already, so I quickly copied my one I made this past weekend, with a few minor changes.

I like the wider ribbon better I think and I also think that this style bow would be better on the boy card, so I need to flip-flop the ribbons and bows I guess.

Still love the stamps and the ute sentiments that came with them too. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Simply Baby

I LOVE this new set I got from H&M stamps a few weeks ago and have been just waiting to find some time to use it and finally...I found the time!

This is the simplest card, but I love it! I thought about doing some background swirls and they would have been fine, but I decided I like it better simple. I seem to be liking the more simple look lately...a new phase. :) I even decided not to color it-like it this way. This new set reminds me some of those Willowtree figurines that I also love. Maybe it's because there are no facial features?

Love the colors, love the siplicity, love the wide satin ribbon, love love love the stamps!!! Love it all!