April 2009 ~ Create it. Go!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's after midnight

...so technically it's not my bday anymore, but I did START stamping on my bday still. :)

Don't love this card...too pink and purply, and needs some more textured background I think...but my daughter will love it!

...used today's sketch challenge for it, but flipped it in it's side.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Purse cards

I thought about waiting to post these next two cards until tomorrow, in case I actually don't GET to stamp tomorrow, but I am too excited to share them with the few of you out there that look at this every now and then! that I am posting them now anyway. :)
I have wanted to make some "purse cards" for quiet awhile. I have seen other stampers make them and then I saw these two purses, one a real one and one a gift card in the store and thought, here's my inspiration, so today my daughter A (who is 3) and I made some. She even made one herself that she loves and carries around. :) (Although she wants them all! And does not want to give any away.) :)

The first one shown here is a denim skirt purse. Too cute! Took awhile to make the pattern, but now I have it for more! :) I also thought it would look cute with rhinestones to give it the look of being "bedazzled", but I went with using the Baroque stamp instead. I added rhinestones then to that at first, but decided I didn't like the rhinestones and brads combined...needs to be one or the other. I DO like the Baroque stamp on it a lot though!

Here's the second one...very different, but cute and much more simple and quick to make. I didn't have any sticky velcro I could find (although I do have some...somewhere!), so I used magnets to close the flap. (My pattern and inspiration are to the left. This one is used to hold a gift card, but I didn't make mine that way-just a "plain ol' card". )

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yeah! I got to stamp today!!!

Well, tomorrow my birthday and I told myself that I was going to stamp on my bday, so I decided to start a day early! Sound good? :) It did to me! LOL

I actually really like all of the three cards I made today too!!!

Here is the first one I did. It is with one of the Whiff of Joy stamps I just got and I love this little girl "Willow", who my daughter calls "Emily". :) I had to stamp one for her to color too. :)
The colors are kinda bright for me, but it went with the way I colored her clothes and it's spring right?!...Not sure I like the spots I put on her cheeks though...Oh well...I'll try it different next time. :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Club Swap

These are two of the cards from the club swap this past month. I love this idea of having the swap along with the stamp night. I get to come home with so many cards and see more ideas this way too! All of us are at different levels of stamping too and it's neat to see how people begin stamping and progress. Thanks girls! :)

I love this Bugs and Kiss set...maybe I should break down and get it. :)
(Oops-you can't see the flower in the circle hole on the bottom right-it was on the back pg of the card and cute!.)
I love the sentiment on this one!!! (It's from an older set that I hadn't seen before.)

Sunday, April 26, 2009


This last week was absolutely filled to the brim and nuts for me! But...I am excited about some new stamps I got in the mail!!! I need some more EZ mount foam though. Does anyone know if they sell it anywhere other than online sites (where I have previously gotten it)? I'm just impatient and want it sooner! ;)

Look for cards to come soon-along with more stamp club night posts.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stamp Club and Card Swap

I was soooo tired at our club mtg the other day, that I seemed to be working on cards in slow motion and quietly too! Very different for me. LOL I still enjoyed it though. Here are a couple of the cards we made...I'll post more later and include some from the swap too! :)

(Sorry the colors are all washed out b/c I didn't do them near a window and the flash went off.
Still need to add a sentiment in the oval...
Just saw that part of the bow came off-oops! I like the velcro closure on it!
This one is a gift card holder and has slots to put one in the bottom panel, though you can't see them in this pic...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Best of Cluck!

Along with our stamp club mtg this month, we all decided to do a card swap as well, so I am off today to stamp and exchange some cards too!!!

These are the cards I made...every one of them is a little different in one way or another. I have a hard time making a bunch of the same card-always trying something different. Same main layout though. (I also used the colors from last week's color challenge on splitcoast.) I'm excited to see what else everyone has made-I'll post them later this week! :)

Happy Stamping!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sock Bunnies

I decided to be a "good mom" and do something with my kids this weekend rather than stamping for me. :)

They have been asking me for months to help them make a sock bunny like the above pic of a well loved one that I made YEARS ago when I was a kid. It is made out of a pair of knee-highs...kinda like the sock monkeys are...so we started making one for each of my kids on Sunday.
You start out with the pair of socks and turn them where the heels are in the center and facing up.
Then you cut down the middle of ONE sock about an inch and a half-two inches fro the bottom of the heel.
Then you cut the toe off the top of that one...see how it makes the body and legs?

With the other sock, you cut it like the above pic, into 4 pieces that will make the head, ears, and arms. (You throw both of the toes away.)
So in the above and bottom pic here, I have laid them out with the pieces how they will be put together.
My older two want to make theirs themselves, so it is taking longer...esp between school, HW, baseball, etc...but they each have 3 pieces somewhat done...some of the sewing and stuffed.
You have to stitch the length of each arm, ear, leg together, then stuff with batting. Then you have to stitch up each end as well and then stitch all the pieces together. I also added the stitching around the nose in the bottom pic here. My old one used to have it, but it came out sometime ago...

My youngest is 3 and just wants to help here and there, so she helped me finish most of hers up today. Here it is:
I still need to get pom poms, ribbon, felt hear, and stitch the face, but she was soooooo excited to sleep with him tonight! Now she wants a princess dress for it though!!! :)

Anyway...fun, inexpensive and great learning for the kids! Thought I'd share! :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I promise...

...I am not a liar. LOL

I said to look for a week of stamping, but...due to my back...I have spent more of the week flat on my back, instead of stamping and doing all sorts of other things I needed to do as well.

I finally felt good enough to sit up for a little though and came up with this card for the sketch challenge this week. It's a simple card and an old set, but I still love these stamps!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Love! Love! Love!

I LOVE these stamps from Whiff of Joy I found a few months ago!!!! The website to see them is here. I love Willow and their midieval collection the best right now! Love the drawings! Love everything! Right now they are giving some blog candy away (the midieval set) through their blog-through this weekend I believe. Check it out!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Metal Stamping

...First I need a soda can, so...I'm out to get a soda. Darn! ;) Check back later to see what I come up with for today's challenge on splitcoast!!!

Update: Got the soda, drank it, got the can ready, just didn't get any further...tomorrow am!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Get Ready, Get Set...


Get ready for a week full of stampin!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Got this from a friend's blog last yea...(hope this is ok that I am sharing it R)

Monday, April 6, 2009


I WANT TO STAMP!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Not yet...

I keep thinking each day...maybe I can stamp real quick! But then I get started on my gigantic lists of things to do each day and look at the mess at my stamp desk and think...yeah right!...I doubt it.

I've been doing huge amounts of deep cleaning in my house last week and this one and have family coming this weekend to visit as well, so I don't have anything to new post yet...but I promise next week I will get to stamp more!!!

See ya then!