October 2012 ~ Create it. Go!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Caution: Men Cooking

I absolutely love the way this one came out. This is great for the men in your lives! Whether you hang it in the kitchen (if your husband is anything like mine) or by the grill. :) Too fun! (Shown in the picture as the vinyl cut out with transfer tape on, not applied to anything yet. Would be great with a black background to make the golden yellow stand out!)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Remember these sets I made a year or two ago? Well, look for more variations I will have coming in different colors. Also, you can get a set, and sand paint your own if you like creating things yourself! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Another new favorite of mine. With the Thanksgiving spirit in mind, I am especially loving this one. But really, how true is it on a daily basis! I want my children to read this daily and think this way! (Vinyl alone shown here)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Be the Good

I saw this quote and absolutely loved it! This is just the vinyl shown here with the transfer tape already applied. It would be great on any surface. I will also be making other variations of it in regard to color vs bold letters.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sister to the "hello"

 I have a friend who came up with this super cute "hello" for her door. She was selling it in her etsy shop, but decided to shut down her etsy shop and focus more on her awesome blog GingerSnapCrafts. (Go check it out. It is great!) So...I took over the orders for the hello.

Well, after a few requests for the word "goodbye" I finally made one for my door too. I love it! It's on the inside of my kitchen door going out to the garage and it dresses it up so much!

Thanks for the inspiration Ginger! :)

Friday, October 19, 2012


 Who doesn't like something personalized? Especially kids!!!?
 I made these easy chalkboards for my kids and some of their cousins last year for Christmas. I think they are great for ANY age...whether they write their homework on them, draw on them, or even I can write their chores on them!
 I used some old cupboard doors and had my husband cut and router the edges. Then I painted them with chalkboard paint.
Last thing I did, was add their names in vinyl and one image that fit their personality. I absolutely love seeing them use them year round too! Great inexpensive and easy project for anyone! you can even do this to a pre-made chalkboard, bulletin board, or just add their name to almost anything...even a sippy cup!

Friday, October 19, 2012


I have been looking all over town trying to find some realistic toads before I posted this pic, but have officially given up. I guess it's the wrong time of year to be looking for that. I had one more place I was going to look, but can't seem to get there. Oh well. It's still fun and I am still glad I made it and have it up. :) I saw it online with brooms and witches shoes next to it, but I really liked the toad idea. It looks great next to our front porch.

Now, I need to get started on my kids' actual Halloween costumes. My son wants to be a creeper from Minecraft and I think it is going to take awhile to make!

Have a great weekend! Happy Creating!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A thankful heart...

 is a happy heart! I love this phrase. What a great perspective it can give us! I applied the vinyl for this one right onto the glass in an 8x10 frame. You can hang it as is:

OR put a picture behind the words to add more meaning (and cute faces!) to the words. 
PLUS not only is it great during this time of year where we think of all we have to be thankful for, but it is great year round! AND you can change the pic out too! (How's that for a run on sentence or two!?) :)

Super fast and cute project and super inexpensive! Just super! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Apply Vinyl

I have been mailing out so much vinyl, I thought it would be helpful to include on here hot to apply it. :) So here are some basic and easy to follow instructions:

How to Apply Vinyl
Vinyl comes in 3 parts:
1. the backing paper (usually a thick white paper)
2. the vinyl
3. the transfer tape

How to Apply Vinyl:
1. Place your vinyl piece down on a table or other flat surface, transfer tape side down. Gently rub on the back of the backing paper with your hand or a credit card. (This is to get the vinyl to stick to the transfer tape when you are ready to separate the back from the vinyl.)

2. Carefully pull back a corner of the backing paper. The vinyl should stick to the transfer tape. I find that if i pull it at a diagonal angle, it comes off more easily. Go slow. If your letters are not coming off, simply place the backing paper back down & rub some more until your letters/image easily come off onto the transfer tape.

3. Now that you have removed the backing, and your letters/image is on only the transfer tape, you are ready to apply your vinyl. Choose the surface you want it to be applied on. Make sure the surface you are applying it to is clean, dry and free of dust. Vinyl adheres well to almost any smooth surface.

4. Hold the vinyl up to the surface where you want it and make sure it is straight before you put it down. Once it is down, it is almost impossible to remove it, reposition it, and not ruin it in the process. Do not rely on the transfer tape to be straight. Look at the letters/image to measure where you want it to go. Place your vinyl onto the surface you would like to apply it to vinyl side down. Gently rub on the back of the transfer tape with your hand or a credit card. Carefully and slowly peel the transfer tape slowly back (again I go at a diagonal angle). Your letters should stick to your chosen surface. If they do not, simply do this same step again.

5. Stand back and admire what you have done! Love my vinyl! :)

Create it. Go!
Robyn Power

Monday, October 1, 2012

So very thankful for...

I have had this one planned for awhile and just finally decided what I wanted to apply the vinyl to tonight.

I applied this line in vinyl along with some chalkboard vinyl right to the front of the glass on this frame. That way, I can add designer paper behind it and change that paper along with my mood or with the seasons and enjoy it all year long!
I'm anxious to see what others in my family write on here too. :) You can find it here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/110997644/thankful-vinyl-with-chalkboard-vinyl

Monday, October 1, 2012

Howdy Ags!

If you're a fan of the TX Aggies, then this is for you! Or a great gift for someone who is! TX Aggie key hook, painted maroon and distressed and hung by a ribbon. Great gift!