December 2012 ~ Create it. Go!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Family of Owls

Love these family of owls that my boy and husband helped me make for my little girls for Christmas. They love stacking them and playing with them different ways. I have even seen them in their doll strollers. :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Little Boys and Superheroes

Remember last week when I used my vinyl as a stencil? Well I did it again, same way with this t-shirt.

I made the design first and then cut it out on vinyl. (Contact paper works too, but doesn't cut as nicely.) I laid out the vinyl on the shirt and used fabric paint to paint the design on.

Love the outcome! It makes me want a little boy to wear it! :) (This one is a gift for my nephew.)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A 13 year old boy mortified!

 I think my son was mortified by this. lol But I had a request for it, so here it is! :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Having fun with families!

Remember this House of Loved Ones I made several weeks ago? I still love it! And I have to tell you I have had sooooo much fun making more. I get excited every time I make one for someboday else! They all turn out so different, it's fun!
 Parents and two kids (above)
 Parents and two kids and two dogs (above)
 Parents and 4 kids
 Parents and 8 kids! Love all the names going every which way here. :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Using vinyl as stencils

Had to share!
Love the way this rustic sign for our bathroom turned out and it took me less than 15 minutes start to finish! First off I started with a shortened old fence board (courtesy of the side of the road) :). I cut out my vinyl and used the background (rather than the letters this time). I stuck it directly onto my weathered board and made sure to push down as much as I could around the edges of the letters to make sure the paint wouldn't seem through. 
 Then I took it outside and painted it real quick.
 Came back in with it and literally within 1 minute from painting it, took the vinyl off and got this!
As soon as I get it up in the bathroom, I'll show you how it looks. Thought it would go great with this sign I already have in there:
Yeah for fast and easy projects!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Silhouette Dear Santa

So the Silhouette website is having a Letter to Santa contest and I decided I might stand a chance and decided to go for it. :) This would definitely make it an unbelieveable Christmas! But then again, my kids and hubby make it that way just with their presence...not presents. ;)

I wanted to make sure Santa got it too, so I put it under our tree.  :) So, here is my letter to SIL's Santa:

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas...a time for family

I want to thank all of my customers and supporters out there. It's been a whirlwind the last few months since I opened my shop, but it's been great! However, as Christmas approaches, I am finding I have no time for my family, so I am going to slow down on orders after December 10th. Thanks so much for your support and let me know if you want anything before then! (I'll still be posting any fun new projects I have in the works and look forward to 2013!)