July 2013 ~ Create it. Go!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Moving! Blech! No fun! At least not yet it isn't...

My family will be moving next week, so I'll be taking some time off to finish packing and while we travel. I'll be here a bit here and there, but the giveaway and projects will have to wait for a couple weeks. See you later! Stay inside. (this is not a good time of year to move!)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Custom Police shirts

...have to say (and yes, I know I am biased...) but I love the way these cute cute police shirts came out for my girls! Complete with Dad's badge number! (who was doing reports in the car while I shot the pics). :)

 Didn't even tell her to pose. Love the stance and look on her face in the one above and below!

Just FYI for those of you asking, I am no longer currently making the police onesies (as well as a few other products I had to temporarily take out of my shop while moving). I will see if I am available in the fall to add them back to my line. Thanks for your support!

Friday, July 26, 2013

From this to that Friday: Garden style

Do you have a ton of multi colored mismatched flower pots? I did and hated to throw them away, but didn't like the look of them all together either...so I grabbed some metallic spray paint for about $3 and painted them all coordinating colors! Now they look so much better!

(Here's just a few...I had sooooo many more!)
 And some coordinating ones on the front porch too! Plus a little vinyl!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

GORGEOUS stairs and quote!

Love this pic Heather sent me of the vinyl quote I did for her in cream. Her stairs are gorgeous to start with, but then this quote brings even more subtle attention and beauty to them!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Edible Earthworms!

I don't think I ever shared what my son made for his science class this past Spring. Edible Earthworms. Found the idea on pinterest and tweaked it a bit and they came out great! I took pics and will put them into a tutorial soon for anyone who wants a great summer snack that is easy and fun!

 They look even more "real" when covered in "dirt". ;)
Look for the tutorial later this week or next!

Friday, July 19, 2013

1000 sales!!! Giveaway!

Wahoo! I just realized that I hit 1000 sales this week in my etsy shop that I opened just 10 months ago. I think that calls for a giveaway! What would you want the most as a giveaway from my etsy shop??? Taking a toll...

Friday, July 12, 2013

From this to that Friday: Keepsake Style Stepstools

Love from this to that Fridays! I am excited to show you this transformation this week too. I absolutely LOVE them!

Saw a similar idea on Pinterest and knew I had to do this!

Started with these ugly step stools we have had forever that I actually LOVE, bc they aren't "tipsy". They have obvisouly been used.:)
 Applied some black paint and then grabbed my kids (and the dog) and came up with this!!!
My kids love them too! In fact, my 2 yr old now says "MINE!" when she sees them and points to her foot and has to name off the others too. The older ones are already claiming them when I did. LOL I have to say that the larger footprints by themself are not as cute though. My husband says it looks like a big man footprint on there. LOL (That would be my 13 year old's size 10 footprint.)

I thought later that instead of paint pens that I used to write their names on, I could have done vinyl and had it look a little "nicer", but I love them the way they are too.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Easy Peasy Burlap Table Runner (No Sew)

Love this new cream burklap table runner I made recently!
This was actually displayed on my table when I showed pics of my table re-do not too long ago, but I wanted to share a bit more about it. All it is is a strip of burlap that I cut to the length I wanted, pulled strings from each edge and threw it down! (I really should iron it sometime!) BUT EASY PEASY! Great for side tables, kitchen table, anywhere!!!! What could be more easy?! AND I love this lighter color of burlap too!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Child's Artwork Display

 Love these newly listed items in my etsy shop! LOVE!!!! that my daughter has a home for her artwork (that isn't ALL over the house!) and that she still feels loved and proud to have somewhere to hang it up for all to admire and treasure it.
Another version great for anyone and great for gifts. This one is in my son's room. 

 (Although my younger daughter put her masterpiece here.) LOL

Lots of fonts and possibilities! Love them!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Masculine Banner

 Love our masculine banner we made for my husband. We made it for Father's Day, but made it where we can use it on his bdays or any special occasion for him! Not hard at all either AND I actually found a place to use all of my "ugly" scrapbook paper! ha! They work great as tie designs! LOL

Monday, July 8, 2013

Vinyl Storage

I don't know about you, but I am always looking for great ways to organize and store my crafting/vinyl supplies (as well as everything else in my house!). And it's not cheap to go buy a ton of organizational supplies. I had thought I was going to have my husband help me create a large wall "structure" with dowels or PVC pipe to hang my vinyl on, but with us moving soon...I wasn't sure I wanted to do it here and now. Well, luckily I found these lockers for pretty cheap secondhand. And they work GREAT for storing my rolls of vinyl!

 I have to say that I love them! They are so easy to pull some out and put back and see most everything too. Not sure I even want to build my other idea now. :)
How do you store your vinyl? I'd love to hear or see pics!

Friday, July 5, 2013


I didn't mean to go AWOL on everyone. Having a house for sale, having 5 kids, having your computer crash, a holiday and company mixed in there...let's see...what else? Let's just say, it's taking a toll on every aspect of my life.

BUT...I AM planning on showing you some fun new things this next couple of weeks. Already got pics of some and working on a couple more. I'll even have a Christmas in July post coming soon!

Meanwhile, hope your Fourth of July holiday weekend is loaded with fun, fireworks, friends and/or family and relaxation!!!

Check back Monday!:)