I didn't know if I could top last year's cuteness with my girls Easter dresses I made (found here),

...but I think they turned out adorable again this year!
Here they are finally done the night before Easter and ready for the girls to put on the next morning.
And now on them later the next day! I considered it a huge win bc they each thought their own dress was the best one! BIG smiles from everyone! And it really was a super easy and fast pattern. I will be using it much more for even nightgowns (without the belt) in the future.
AND I love that I found matching chevron ties for all my boys on etsy too! Was too fun all together and not too matchy matchy for my husband and boys too. (I found them on Sewn by Maria's shop
here. She was great to work with!)
After we got home from Easter Sunday church, I told the kids to head out back before they changed and set up the tripod. We had a little bit of fun. ;) haha
The girl's dresses came from inspiration I found on pinterest by looking at several patterns and dresses I found there and mixing a few of those ideas together. If you want to see my Sewing board and pins and my fabric flower inspirations I found on pinterest, you can follow me on Pinterest
Here you can see the fabric flowers a bit better. I did them each a little different from the other. I also let each of them choose the colors of their fabrics so that they had apart in it too. They all wanted to help me here and there making them too. It was funny bc my oldest daughter complained a few weeks ago when she realized I was going to sew them again this year rather than buying them. In the end though, she loved it! I asked them here, "Who likes Easter?" And got a great response!
The main pattern I used was from Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom
here. Although I found the post and free pattern posted on GingerSnapCrafts
here. I changed it a tad here and there to fit my girls a bit better, but it was so easy and great!!!
And the little one was ready to be done! haha Can you tell?
So, will I make them next year again? Maybe. I have a hard time finding skirts and dresses that I consider long enough and dresses with sleeves as well. I actually cut these really long and figured I can take out the hem when they start getting to short and they might fit them even longer! AND...I really do enjoy making them :)