Friday, October 31, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
A Witch's Halloween Decorating Fun
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Fellow Bloggers Featured!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Crafty Time Saver: 5 minute Halloween blocks {craft}
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
DIY Frozen OLAF Inspired Costume
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
DIY Strawberry Shortcake Costume
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
A Healthy Boost of Homemade Honey Almond, Coconut and Cherry Granola {Recipe}
Monday, October 27, 2014
DIY Poodle Skirt; Cutting fabric with your Silhouette Tutorial
Saturday, October 25, 2014
ONE Minion Inspired Pumpkin and ONE happy girl!
What has been your favorite decorated pumpkin of all time? Well, this is my 9 year old daughters!
My fourth grade daughter got to go on a field trip with her class recently to a pumpkin patch. The following week they got to bring supplies to each decorate their individual pumpkins that they brought home from the field trip. She was soooo excited and knew immediately what she wanted to make!
Initially, I was supposed to be out of town the day they were decorating them. Parents were encouraged to come and help, and it tugged at my heartstings when she came up to me and said, "Mom, are you going to be gone? Because whenever you help me do a craft, it turns out so much better." Awwww...what's a mom to do?
Well, lucky for her, it ended up that my youngest got sick, and that along with other things kept me home and able to go spend the morning with her at school...decorating her Minion Inspired Pumpkin. And she was all smiles that whole day bc of it. (such a good feeling for me too!)
What do you think? Isn't he just awesome?! And really pretty simple to make too!
All you really need to make him is:
yellow spray paint
2 canning lid rings
some old jeans
and a few misc items that are optional (like buttons and pipe cleaners)
We started out by painting him in layers with the yellow spray paint.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Attention to the Nativity Wood Chip Garland!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
HUGE Spook-tacular SIlhouette Gift Basket Giveaway
You're gonna love it!!!
I'm sure you have seen how VERY much that I use my Silhouette! I seriously use it almost daily. (Well, I MAY be a little addicted, I admit, but I LOVE it! In fact, I even used it to cut fabric this past week and became even MORE in love with it! {if that was even possible!} lol
I have used it the past couple of years with my son's Minecraft obsession based costumes. lol (Such a simple costume really, a few boxes and lots and lots of little green squares...throw in some adhesive and wala!)

Then the following year, he had a zombie character we did:
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Feature a Fellow Blogger: nelliebellie's Individual Cupcake holder
Monday, October 20, 2014
Butterfly Kisses and Ladybug hugs...Sleep tight little one.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Pumpkin Pie Snickerdoodle Cookies with a healthy twist!
I love From this to that Fridays! Love seeing how you can make one thing into another!
Today is a first in that I am doing this with a recipe!
First I have to say that I LOVE the original recipe! I grew up eating this recipe of snickerdoodle cookies and they are sooooo good! BUT as I have grown older, and as we have learned of some of my husband's hidden food allergies...AND have tried to eat clean and more healthy...I avoid white refined flours and sugars the majority of the time now. So...I set out to see how I could adapt this yummy original recipe.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Fall Front Porch Fun {with a DIY bench}
I LOVE this time of year! I think I have the MOST decorations for it...well, I can't decide between Christmas and fall, but I love it! Love the colors and the crisp mornings and evenings. Love the smell of wassail cooking on my stove top and love all things with pumpkin! Yum!
Last year I did a mini pumpkin patch out front and while I loved it!!! the same time, this year I wanted something different too. I wanted to do something more to my front porch area and add a splash of color without painting the front door. I also wanted something that could handle the wet weather. I've been working on different parts of everything in this pic for over a month now. And finally...I think I have it all together! And I love it! In fact, I may have to hang out there all day! haha
I wanted a bench, but it needed to be semi-skinny...not too deep, and these two items worked great to repurpose into a fun front porch bench! AND they cost me NOTHING!
Did you notice my super cool post (sign holder) up in the corner too? I have been trying to get this puppy done for months and it finally is up. LOVE it! So...Of course, I had to make a couple different signs to change the color up a bit here and there as well.
Then, I just flipped that pumpkin around and did the backside with another fun saying.
Happy Fall! And check back tomorrow for one of my favorite kind of posts. From this to that Friday! (except this time it's with a recipe that I "healthified"!)
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Best Healthy Homemade DIY Salad Dressing!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Disney Junior Friends Celebrate together!
#JuniorCelebrates #CollectiveBias
Needless to say, we came home some HUGE smiles, and with some Disney Junior Friends of ours, a Doc McStuffins costume AND Minnie Mouse costume so that we can celebrate as friends do best...together!
They were so excited and could NOT wait until Halloween to get to wear their new costumes, so of course I let them play in them! How could I not?! They were in love immediately and wanted to do something fun! Well, if you know me, I was all over that! haha So we had some pre-Halloween fun days! Because, why not?
We decorated some of our Halloween candy to match the girls Disney Junior Kids Halloween costumes. SO easy too with Minnie Mouse! All you need is three circles and a bow to top a lollipop or candy stick with! Wala!
Then we made snack time a lot of fun one day by making these fun little bears out of bread dough. Each of the girls would get several balls of dough of various sizes and I helped them put them together to make a bear. Doc mcStuffins was loving this everyday fun! Of course, she had to doctor up the bear a bit first. haha I'd say she had fun though, wouldn't you?
So, now they're just wearing them daily...waiting for Halloween and having so much fun in the meantime. And me...I just smile and love it!
What are your kids going to be for Halloween? Do they love Disney Junior as much as mine do? And do you ever dress up with them? I love hearing your comments. Thanks for stopping by! Come back again and Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Meet This Mormon
WP Self Hosted: [inlinkz_linkup id=455408 mode=1] Blog Hosted on WP
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Year Round Fun with School Supplies
Remember those school supplies I have been working on?
Well, I don't know about you, but the back-to-school rush is C.RAZY! And I have absolutely no extra time trying to make time for anything "extra". But...give it a couple weeks, and I get to have a bit more fun! AND...give your kids a couple weeks (or months for you lucky ones out there) ;) and school isn't quite as exciting as when they first started back.'s the perfect time to make those school supplies (that they already have) a bit more fun!
So, that's exactly what I did! I took my son's folders and notebooks, my preschoolers' and 9 year old daughter's water bottles, those pencil cases they all have, "trapper keepers", anything I could get ahold of...(well, not really haha) and I snazzied them up a bit!
What do you do to make your kids' days better at school? Notes in their lunches? Reading the Kissing Hand? Anything you do, no matter how little, can make their day! Just like they make mine with their little drawings and notes they give me. :)

Hi! I'm Robyn from Create it. Go! and I love to create! Whether its a wood craft, painting, papercrafting, simple sewing, vinyl, new recipes, photography adventures, or fun with my Silhouette, join me for tutorials and loads of fun!
Instagram: @robyncreates
Two of my nieces are graduation from high school this year...the oldest and first in the cousins of my kids! So I have thought about grad gi...
So how many of you procrastinate? I sure do! I always work better under pressure, but not always sure that's a good thing. And I hope I...
Are you still looking for a fun and quick gift? Want something different? Well, I have the perfect little idea for you! And it's so fun...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringingInnovation #Collect...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DropShopAndOil #CollectiveBi...
So So So excited to share this week's From this to that Friday with you!!! I thought of this last year and never got a chance to make i...
The FB Silhouette Challenge Group I recently joined challenged us to use fabric in our projects for February on our Silhouette machines, ...
This week my daughter's class celebrated the 100th day of school. They were all told that they could dress up the way they think they w...
Whether you are wanting to make the nativity ornaments or the Minecraft, the inserts all work the same. And they are sooooo easy! Supplies...
A friend found this quote and came over to my house to make it and I loved it so much I made one too! I want to create a little reading noo...
Copyright Protection
- Happy Halloween from Two Cuties!
- A Witch's Halloween Decorating Fun
- Fellow Bloggers Featured!
- Crafty Time Saver: 5 minute Halloween blocks {craft}
- DIY Frozen OLAF Inspired Costume
- DIY Strawberry Shortcake Costume
- A Healthy Boost of Homemade Honey Almond, Coconut ...
- DIY Poodle Skirt; Cutting fabric with your Silhoue...
- ONE Minion Inspired Pumpkin and ONE happy girl!
- Attention to the Nativity Wood Chip Garland!
- 15 minute DIY Festive {Pumpkin (Jack-o-lantern)} t...
- HUGE Spook-tacular SIlhouette Gift Basket Giveaway
- Feature a Fellow Blogger: nelliebellie's Individua...
- Butterfly Kisses and Ladybug hugs...Sleep tight li...
- Pumpkin Pie Snickerdoodle Cookies with a healthy t...
- Fall Front Porch Fun {with a DIY bench}
- Best Healthy Homemade DIY Salad Dressing!
- Disney Junior Friends Celebrate together!
- Meet This Mormon
- Year Round Fun with School Supplies
- Happy Fall Ya'll!
- Top Fall and Halloween Posts
- Eat Clean Recipes

Button Up!
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and proud to be an #ldsmommyblogger
Papercrafting Below:

Card portfolio
Inside view


Stair-step card

Army Pride

One Sheet Wonder Layout

More OSW with Sunbeam Stamps

Photo cards

Gig 'Em!