Friday, January 30, 2015
From This to That Friday {with Repurposed Pallets}
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Romantic Restaurants Round Up in NWA
Monday, January 26, 2015
Round 2: Collection of DIY Valentines {with Free Printable Valentine Tags}
Ok! Who's ready for Round 2 of MORE Valentine Ideas?!
I was having so much fun coming up with easy DIY Valentines and making these free printables, I couldn't stop! haha So, today I have another round of them for you!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Library Storytime and Kids Craft for Preschoolers at Home DIY
I have tried more recently to make more time for my two little ones still at home for me. So, one of the things we have done more is to visit our local library most weeks during storytime. BUT...inevitably, sometimes we just can't make it. So. one morning, I thought "Why not do it at home?!" (Why in the world I did not think of this sooner is beyond this mom brain! haha)
So, we started out with one of our favorite books. This book never gets old to my kids. And their reactions while we read it together always bring a smile to my face. I LOVE seeing them engaged as we read and smiling and laughing, Best.feeling.ever!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Collection of DIY Valentines {with Free Printable Valentine Tags}
I have to say I have had a lot of fun creating this post!'s actually the first of TWO posts for this year's DIY Valentine Idea collection. So hang on to your hats, because there will still be more to come!
I love seeing all of the creative Valentine ideas out there every year! We do something different every year for each of my kids, for their classes and teachers. It can be a bit overwhelming and if you're anything like me, you enjoy the original ones, but you don't want to spend an entire week making them, or a fortune! So today, I am sharing with you some that are perfect little DIY Valentines, where surely ONE of them might make you smile and be perfect for that special someone! So, here goes!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Lessons Learned {From My Dad} That I Still Use Today
Monday, January 19, 2015
Fruity Walnut Crunch Salad Recipe with Marie Callender's Pies
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Popular Past DIY Valentine Projects and Snacks
#diyvalentines #diy #valentines ##valentinescrafts#valentinesideas #ontheblog #roundupvalentinesideas
It's that time of year again, when those of us who have kids, are searching for different ideas for their class parties, their Valentine Boxes, and for DIY valentines. Well, today I have a roundup of my past popular posts for Valentines day all combined into one post for you! PLUS, I have more new ones coming soon too! So have fun perusing and come back soon! ;)
Purple Minion Valentine Box
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Scrumptious Pumpkin Pancakes {Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Egg Free}
I know that some of us can't eat some of the things others can. For instance, my husband has LOTS of food sensitivities and hidden food allergies, that we have only recently in the past 3 years, been aware of. So...if you don't already follow and know me this way...I like to cook and bake just about anything, but sometimes I also like to tweak recipes and make them more allergy friendly. (And sometimes I think we should all eat this way MUCH more often!)
So, the other morning, I was going to make some pancakes for breakfast. I always use almond milk, but realized I didn't have any eggs on hand. Normally, I just gel some chia or flax seeds to replace the eggs with, but this time I just decided to add some pumpkin and totally skip the eggs (or egg substitutes) and see how they came out. Well, apparently, they came out great! Because all of my kids starting asking what I did differently, because they were soooooo good! haha I have to admit, sometimes I'm a little afraid to tell them what I did differently, because for them, just knowing I made something with "Dad's healthy ingredients" can turn them off. Not this time though! They all wanted more!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Top 10 Blog Posts from 2014 {Create it. Go!}
Monday, January 12, 2015
Two for One Today! Recipe 1: Cherry Almond Pecan Apple Crisp & Recipe 2: Cocoa Roasted Caramel Almond Protein Squares
Monday, January 12, 2015
Kids Closet Storage {with Rubbermaid Drawer Dresser and Vinyl Labels}
I don't know about you, but I have organization on my brain! I shared recently on FB, that this was one of my main goals this year. I want to go through my entire house and re-organize each and every room! (Especially the craft closet, the garage, and my laundry room!) But one of the first things I wanted to tackle was also my girls' bedroom. It seems to get out of control SOOOOO easily! And then who is called in? ME! They get too overwhelmed to be able to get it back in order themselves.
When I realized that this would go right along with our Silhouette FB Challenge this month, it was the perfect time to get started!
So for us, we have multiple girls sharing a room. So, I always try and use my space as wisely as possible. That means utilizing closet space as a room space saver. I was trying to figure out how I could fit a dresser IN the closet, rather than putting multiple ones in their bedroom. I realized that the Rubbermaid drawers fit perfectly!
Then the wheels started turning!
Friday, January 9, 2015
DIY Five Minute <$5 Infinity Scarf (No Sew)
I don't know about you, but this cold weather is making me want to bring a different scarf out every day lately!
Well, a few months ago, as I was shopping at Walmart, this "yarn" caught my eye over by the craft section and I immediately thought that it would make a super easy and cute scarf. There were lots of colors to choose from and I loved how they even changed from one color to another in just the one roll/skein. I picked a couple up and was ready to start when I got home. And let me tell you, it was easy as pie! (Actually it was much easier than baking a pie! hahaha)
So, here's a little tutorial for you!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
GIVEAWAY! Frozen Inspired Olaf's face in VINYL for DIY Mug
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Top 10 Tips to Smooth and Successful Potty Training
When I first started potty training my first, my husband was gone with work for a couple months and I was absolutely clueless. Until a friend gave me some tips. I am forever indebted to her for making it go so much smoother, so I wanted to share my top 10 tips for Potty Training with you today as well. Because, face it...we can all use a little help raising our kids. (Unless you were lucky enough to get a handbook that came with your child at birth...Mine seemed to be missing their instruction manuals when they were born. Ha!)
Monday, January 5, 2015
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Muffin Recipe {with Natural Sweetener}
Friday, January 2, 2015
Winter Bucket List
I'm BA-ACK! It's been wayyy too long!!!
I don't know about you, but I always have things in the back of my mind, that never seem to make it to the front...haha...or to actually happening!
So, this year, (and this is a first for me) I am making a winter bucket list...for me AND for my family! I know that my kids will love it and I am hoping it will help me make time for more things to happen. So this is our family's bucket list, with suggestions from many! lol

Hi! I'm Robyn from Create it. Go! and I love to create! Whether its a wood craft, painting, papercrafting, simple sewing, vinyl, new recipes, photography adventures, or fun with my Silhouette, join me for tutorials and loads of fun!
Instagram: @robyncreates
Two of my nieces are graduation from high school this year...the oldest and first in the cousins of my kids! So I have thought about grad gi...
So how many of you procrastinate? I sure do! I always work better under pressure, but not always sure that's a good thing. And I hope I...
Are you still looking for a fun and quick gift? Want something different? Well, I have the perfect little idea for you! And it's so fun...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringingInnovation #Collect...
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DropShopAndOil #CollectiveBi...
So So So excited to share this week's From this to that Friday with you!!! I thought of this last year and never got a chance to make i...
The FB Silhouette Challenge Group I recently joined challenged us to use fabric in our projects for February on our Silhouette machines, ...
This week my daughter's class celebrated the 100th day of school. They were all told that they could dress up the way they think they w...
Whether you are wanting to make the nativity ornaments or the Minecraft, the inserts all work the same. And they are sooooo easy! Supplies...
A friend found this quote and came over to my house to make it and I loved it so much I made one too! I want to create a little reading noo...
Copyright Protection
- From This to That Friday {with Repurposed Pallets}
- Romantic Restaurants Round Up in NWA
- Round 2: Collection of DIY Valentines {with Free P...
- Library Storytime and Kids Craft for Preschoolers ...
- Collection of DIY Valentines {with Free Printable ...
- Lessons Learned {From My Dad} That I Still Use Today
- Fruity Walnut Crunch Salad Recipe with Marie Calle...
- Popular Past DIY Valentine Projects and Snacks
- Scrumptious Pumpkin Pancakes {Gluten Free, Sugar F...
- Top 10 Blog Posts from 2014 {Create it. Go!}
- Two for One Today! Recipe 1: Cherry Almond Pecan A...
- Kids Closet Storage {with Rubbermaid Drawer Dresse...
- DIY Five Minute <$5 Infinity Scarf (No Sew)
- GIVEAWAY! Frozen Inspired Olaf's face in VINYL for...
- Top 10 Tips to Smooth and Successful Potty Training
- Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Muffin Recipe {with Natural...
- Winter Bucket List

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I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and proud to be an #ldsmommyblogger
Papercrafting Below:

Card portfolio
Inside view


Stair-step card

Army Pride

One Sheet Wonder Layout

More OSW with Sunbeam Stamps

Photo cards

Gig 'Em!