March 2015 ~ Create it. Go!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

From Pallets to Garden boxes & Bedsprings to Herb Gardens...PLUS a GIVEAWAY!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone. 
#BringingInnovation #CollectiveBias #upcycle #repurpose #gardening #containergardening #diy #giveaway #batteries #energy #family #outdoors #garden #pallets

I'm so excited to share today's post with you! If you have been here before, you know how much I absolutely love taking one thing and making it into another, ESPECIALLY when I get to repurpose and upcycle. I often share "From this to That Friday" posts (my favorites!) where I do just that! Well, today's a BONUS! It's not Friday, but it's a post where I take something old and use it to make AND grow something new. AND I get to help the world work toward living greener!

I love using pallets, old fence wood, metal, and other materials I find, and repurposing and upcycling them into DIY projects I come up with. I have made fun household items, word art, shelves, and trunks just to name a few.
 (You can see some of them under my "Repurposes" column at the top of my site.)

Well today, I tried something new! I took some old pallets (that I found in the trash for FREE!), and I used them to create some above ground gardening containers. AND I used an old bedspring to make an herb garden!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Grandparents Know Best! Grab a Snickers When You're Hungry!

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone. 
 #CollectiveBias #WhenImHungry #cbias #hungry #snacks #family #familyfun #grandparents #grandpa #dad #father #fatherdaughter #memories

Have you ever gotten into the argument of the century, only to realize later that it probably was totally overblown, AND it was probably because you skipped lunch? haha I don't know about you, but I learned back when I was in high school that I shouldn't discuss much with my boyfriend, dad, or almost anyone, if they were hungry. And I've noticed it myself as a mom, not to try and reason with my teen OR my toddlers when they're starving, AND I have learned how GRUMPY, that even I get (Yep me too!), when I am hungry! (Yep,'re mom's not perfect! Ha! I'm sure MY kids could have told you that!) You're just not YOU, when you're hungry!

Well, maybe my Dad had it all figured out already YEARS ago, because it seemed that whenever we got to go run errands with my Dad, he'd pick up a SNICKERS® . Another one of those times that you think to yourself, I should have listened...OR with this, I should have watched and learned. haha Because when I think of SNICKERS®, I think of my Dad. And it's not just me. My kids think of Grandpa when they hear the word SNICKERS®, and so do their cousins! 
I'm sure you can see why! Ha!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring Bird Nest Treats Recipe {with Marshmallows and Robin Eggs}

#spring #recipe #marshmallows #kids #snacks #schoollunches #lunchideas #snackideas #springfever #robinseggs #nest #preschool #treat

It's been a weekend of activities outside for us. We also have been watching a couple of robin birds build their new spring nest this past week. It reminded me of a couple years back when some birds made nest in our mailbox and we got to watch them hatch and grow and then we even got to hold them!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Swoosh! It's Game Time with some Family Dunking Fun {and a Delicioso recipe!}

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone. 
#DelimexFiesta #CollectiveBias#cbias #familydinner #recipe #familyfun #basketball #sports #march

I don't know about your house, but mine has a basketball loving kid! He plays basketball on his school team and has been all about watching the game lately! March has been a great month for him!

Watching the game starts with him, and seems to spread to the rest of the family! Ha! Pretty soon, everyone's involved. I love big families! make it even more fun, we decided to make it a big family event the other night. Complete with some delicious and traditional Mexican favorites and my homemade salsa!  (Keep reading to get the recipe!) Always a hit! BUT...I have been under the weather a bit lately and wasn't up to cooking all day in the kitchen, so I headed to Walmart to pick up some grub for the game.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Papercrafting Cards with Washi Tape {Easter Bunny}

This post brought to you from Silhouette America. All opinions are my own.
#silhouetteamerica #silhouetterocks #silhouettecameo #silhouetteportrait #lovemysil #createitgo #papercrafting #-diycards #diy #greetingcards #easter #easterbunny #gluedots #washitape

We're an Easter-happy house lately and my girls and I had fun papercrafting these cute Easter bunny cards. So cute! And great for all ages! I wish we could see all of our cousins and grandparents this Easter, but we don't live near any, so sending cards is always fun too! Keep reading to see how we made them AND to see how you can save over $100 right now with Silhouette!

If you don't already know, I love using my Silhouette Portrait and my Silhouette Cameo. I shared just last week some of my favorite projects I have made with them in the past! Well, today's just another example of how I use it almost every day! Haha (True!)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Easter Egg Marble Painting Kids Craft

#kidscraft #craftsforkids #marbles #paintprojects #paintparty #party #preschool #marblepainting #easter #eastereggs #painteggs #garland #banner #easterdecorations #diy #tutorial

Hello there from a house full of sickies over their spring break. Ugh. No fun! 

So I had to kick it up a notch, since many of our plans have been foiled! {sigh} So, I pulled out the makings of an easy kids craft to make the younger ones a little more happy. (Didn't really do it for the 15 year old, but he's one of the sickies anyway...)

My older son learned to marble paint years ago and it is STILL a favorite for my kids! 
And it's so easy! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Favorite Silhouette Creations PLUS a Silhouette promotion! Save over $100!

#silhouetteamerica #silhouetterocks #silhouettecameo #silhouetteportrait #lovemysil

This post brought to you by Silhouette America.
All opinions are mine and mine alone.

Earlier this week, I shared with you a new Jumprope Easter banner I made, where I used my Silhouette machine to cut out the cute little kraft paper bunnies.

Today, I'm going to share some of my favorite projects I have made with my Silhouette. AND I get to share with you some great deals going on right now with Silhouette America too.

And right now through March 31st, you can save over $100 on the Silhouette Cameo and the Silhouette Portrait machines with the code: CREATE. PLUS! ALL vinyl and the roll feeder are also 30% off as well. It's time to stock up!

So many ways I use my Silhouette! Love them all! Keep scrolling down to see some of the many things I have made with mine!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Edible Earthworms {with Jello} Tutorial

#tutorial #jello #edibleearthworms #worms #diy #aprilfoolsday #aprilfools #science #fun #funwithkids #craftsforkids #science #school #edibles 

I have to say I am so excited to share this fun post today! hee hee

How about that picture?!! hahaha 
They look so real, don't they?! 
Well, they're not. I PROMISE! hee hee 
They're made from jello!

My son picked worms to study for science class, and we needed to make a replica of a worm for him to take to school, so this is what we did! And they were a huge hit! Well, kinda...haha Some of the girls in his class were a little squeamish and would have nothing to do with them! Ha!

They're perfect just for fun, to go along with some science lessons or some food fun, summer or spring break boredom busters, and for April Fool's Day too! They're almost even more creepy to see someone eating them in person too! Ha!

BUT, they're so fun (Really!) and so easy! 
Here's a little simple tutorial to make your own:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cheesecake Bites Recipe Topped with DOVE® Fruit

#LoveDoveFruits #CollectiveBias #cbias #fruit #freeprintable #wordart #prepare #beprepared
#chocolate #darkchocolate #snacks #yum #yummy #cbias #printable 
#success #plan #succeed #motivation #recipe #recipeoftheday

 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone. 

Hello there Blogland Friends! It's a rainy day here at my house and the perfect day to stay inside and try out a new recipe!

Recently I posted about how I have made some new habits over the past year, that have helped and impacted my journey to a better me. I wanted to follow up a bit on that today and share one of my top tips to helping anyone succeed with ANY goal that they may have in life AND share a recipe that I use when I want to indulge or celebrate my successes!

It's really quite simple! Even the Boys Scouts know my top tip to success. ;)
 Be prepared! Think ahead! Plan.

When I don't plan ahead and prepare (whether for a lesson I am teaching, for meal planning, or anything), I never do as well. In fact, I often feel like I take a step backwards, rather than forwards when it has to do with my goals, when I don't have any preparation. This was one thing I learned to do even moreso this past year. In order to succeed and move forward, I had to think ahead! 

I even made this little printable word art, that I am sharing for free with you today! 
(Just print it out as is or copy and paste and make it the size of your choice. Free for non commerical use only.) I hang it up in my kitchen, and it helps to remind me that where I want success...I need to plan for it!

Well...I love dried fruit and I love any kind of chocolate, but especially dark chocolate! This combination is perfect in DOVE® Fruit snacks. DOVE® Fruit snacks are definitely a better-for-you snack alternative than some I would have chosen in the past. It's so easy to just get so so busy with everyday life and running around, that we forget to plan ahead with food. Then when we get hungry, we are just tempted to grab and eat anything that is convenient...OR whatever is closest to you! Ha! So I really try and plan ahead more with my food. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

DIY {Easter} Jumprope Banner/Garland Tutorial

#springcrafts #crafts #banner #garland #diy #tutorial #papercrafting #jumprope #repurpose #silhouetteamerica #sihlouetteportrait #lovemysil #easter #bunnies #pennant 

It's not official yet, that is officially spring, but I took down the rest of my winter decorations this past weekend. I no longer wanted my "Let it Snow" banner longer wanted more snow. haha

I turned out some music as I took everything down and danced around as I created and came up with a new more "springy" look. haha I had grabbed this cute little Easter jumprope at my local dollar store, a week or two ago, and thought it would be the perfect base to a new banner/garland for my fireplace mantle. So fun and festive!

It was a little bright, (understatement), so I decided to tone it down a bit with some pastel designer paper and some kraft colored paper. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

From This to That Friday: My Personal Story {and Transformation} with Weight Loss and Being Comfortable in My Own Skin

#fitandlean2015 #transformationtuesday #healthyandhappy #eatclean #wholefoods #healthyeating #healthyliving #freshproduce #isagenix #lovemyISA #lovemyionix #weigthloss

*All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone. I did not receive any compensation for this post. I am not a health care professional (like Baymax! lol) or in the medical field, and this is not to be used or construed as medical advice to anyone. 

It's FINALLY FRIDAY FOLKS! Hooray! And today is a big day for me! Today's From this to That Friday post is a bit more personal to me, but I have felt the need to share my own story...for several reasons. 
So many people struggle with feeling comfortable in their own "skin". I have not been exempt from this myself. After birthing 5 babies over the past 15+ years, 5 C-sections, little exercise, the stress of just LIFE at times, running a business (as a mom of 5 that works from home), having a husband that has been gone at extended periods of time over the years, yada yada yada has contributed to this some I am sure. (We all have struggles and mountains to climb.), I found myself hating my "C-section belly" and my size and frustrated with my inability to lose the weight. I wasn't overly HUGE, but was not happy with how I WAS. That's a lot of it. No matter the size you are, if you are unhappy with it, it affects your daily life. And that in effect, affects those around you! (Family, friends, etc.)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

DIY Outdoor Porch Sign/Wreath Post Tutorial

#DIY #tutorial #outdoor #outdoorliving #porch #signpost #wordart #entryway 
#mothersday #mothersdadygiftideas #gift #homemadegifts 
#frontentrywaydecor #createitgo #crafts #quotes #wreath #wreathtutorial

It's Thursday, do you know that means?! It's almost Friday! haha I'm always ready for a day to sleep in a bit! ;)

Well, today I'm excited to share a little tutorial with you on how I made this outdoor porch sign post that you have seen me post over the past few months. It has to be one of my favorite DIY's. And I love using it daily and being able to change it up so easily!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Easter Blast from the Past Posts

#easter #eastereggs #craftswithkids #easterdresses #sewingsimple #fun #easterbasket #familyfun #papercrafting #recip

We don't do a whole lot of Easter projects around our house. A little decorating. Easter baskets kept simple. Lessons about why we celebrate Easter...maybe a few fun snacks.

But here are a few past Easter themed posts that are on my favorite list.
And they're all pretty darn simple too!

Just use your normal Rice Crispy treat recipe and throw them in some eggs. So fun!

Last year's easter dresses. (You can find them here.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

DIY Kids Crafts; Crazy Fun Pencil Toppers


Do you ever get stumped on what to do for kids' birthdays? Tired of getting the same kind of gifts? Tired or spending an arm and a leg? Well, here's a little inexpensive, fun, and EASY idea for you!

For my daughter's recent 5th birthday, we tried to think of a few homemade craft ideas that we could do for her.Often times, like to give kids craft kits as a gift, that they can do on their own, but for this one, we made it ahead of time. And she LOVED it! ( well as my 9 year old and 3 year old daughter. Looks like we'll be making more!) haha

Keep on reading to see how to make some!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Three Easy Steps to Making Birthdays Magical and Stress Free {with a #MullerMoment Ice Cream Cone Cake Recipe}

#MullerMoment #CollectiveBias #icecreamrecipe #icecreamconecake 
#memoment #recipe #birthdays #birthdaymagic #tutorial #proteinsnacks

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone. 

Happy Monday!
I don't know about you, but I am always ready for the weekend to get here. BUT then as the weekend plays out (with 5 kids and all the activities they each have), I am almost just as ready for Monday to get here and to be back in the routine of the week again and kids back to school. 
EVEN if it's a Manic Monday morning! haha

I've got the funnest new recipe and treat to share with you today using Müller® Ice Cream Inspired Yogurt

I have to tell you how much I LOVE yogurt. I'm always on the lookout for one that is a bit less in sugar than others and that fills that craving I get for a little sweet treat. AND...last week I found just that, on the grocery shelves at Wal-Mart. Müller® Ice Cream Inspired Yogurt is a new product and is a sweet treat that also has a good source of protein at 7 grams. Perfect for on-the-go OR at home! And if you want to check them out, there will be an in store demo coming up in the Rogers, AR Wal-Mart on 3/15/15, so go check them out!

So I picked up several flavors to try at home this past week. I had planned to use them as ingredients in a special treat for my kiddos, but they were disappearing from my fridge before I could even make the treat! think the kids were taking them? Nope, this time it was my husband! lol Apparently he needed a #MullerMoment too! Thank goodness I bought plenty. With my daughter's birthday right around the corner, I wanted to make a fun after school/special day treat.

My daughter turned 5 last week and we had so much fun celebrating as a family, with her on her special day. I love to make my kids feel like the day is "magical" and that they are in the spotlight that day, but sometimes that can be hard to do when you have a list of to-do's that is a mile long, and everyday life gets in the way. So today, I also want to share how I am able to make their day special on their birthdays AND keep it low stress for everyone, but especially for ME (or YOU)!
 All it really takes, is a bit of thinking ahead.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

St Patricks Day Lucky Rainbow Wreath {with Pot of Gold}

#wreath #diy #tutorial #fabricscraps #create #stpatricksday #rainbow #lucky #potofgold #crafts #wreathtutorial

It's been a week of St. Patrick's Day fun and crafts at my house! AND I have one last one to share with you this morning. This one is another easy one that requires only a few items again. If you have a stash of craft items and/or fabric scraps (like me!), you may even have everything you need to make this one already!

My poor sad door and entryway to my house was looking so neglected ever since the Christmas decorations came down, and then then Valentines came down. I've never had outside St Patrick's Day decorations, but I decided this year I WAS going to have some! So, I rummaged through my fabric scraps for colorful fabric that were the colors of the rainbow. And then grabbed some black and green felt and a little tulle. I had a couple of wreath forms in my stash too, that I had never used. All I needed now was a half hour?, a little string, and a glue gun. (That sounds like a blog name! Ha!) And I came up with this St Patricks Day Lucky Rainbow Wreath {with Pot of Gold}! Love the color on my front door, especially in the middle of the white snowy background around my house today.

Whether you hang it from a sign post or from your front door or even inside your house, it's tons of fun and a pop of color!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Rainbow Balloon Arch on Pot of Gold Snacks DIY

#stpatricksday #potofgold #rainbow #ballonarches #snacks #healthysnacks 
#stpatricksdaydecor #irish #luck #diy #tutorial

 Don't you just love finding fun and super easy/simple little holiday snacks? Most of us don't have the time (even if we want to) to make snacks that take us hours and hours of shopping and creating and working. Now do we have the energy on top of all that to get the end product of something extravagant. BUT...this one ANYONE can do! And you can do it for about $5 max and in about 15 minutes max too. AND all you need is three items! It's a winner!

It's always fun to surprise your kids, or your co-workers, or a friend, with a little festive something. We like to do something fun for St. Patrick's Day, just because...AND there is a fair amount of Irish in my hubby's family too, so that makes it even more fun to celebrate. This year, I came up with this Pot of Gold Snacks with a Rainbow Arch over the pot. It turned out so fun and sooooo soooo easy! And it looks awesome and impressive! So here's a little tutorial for you to make your own!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Saint Patrick's Day Free Printables and Horseshoe DIY Tutorial

#stpatricksdaydecor #stpatricksday #saintpatricksday #freeprintables #subwayart #wordart #potogold #diy #tutorial #holidaydecorations #irish #lucky

We LOVE celebrating St, Patrick's Day at our house! My husband's family has a lot of Irish in it that makes it even more fun, but...I seem to find myself without as many decorations to put up this time of year. So...I decided to make some printable word art and share it as a free printable! This way, you don't have to spend any money or even get dressed or leave your house! lol Best way to decorate, right? haha

The first one I started designing was a fun subway art. I LOVE the way it came out! I don't know what it is about Subway art, but I love it! So fun and cheery. Festive and simple.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cranberry Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies {Gluten Free...Or Not}

I haven't baked in awhile (I've been trying to stay away from eating it, haha so this is my solution somedays.) BUT...I could tell my husband and son were past ready for some sweet snacks...thing is that they aren't eating gluten these days...or dairy...or refined sugar. I stay away from those most the time as well, but not bc I HAVE to like them...just because I choose to. :)

So, I decided to take a recipe that I have used my whole life and tweak it some. It is great when you make it with regular white flour and sugar too, so don't go away if you don't eat GF. It's so yummy both ways!

The original recipe actually didn't even have pumpkin in it, but I always like to add something extra to help the cohesions when baking with Gluten Free flour and this time I chose pumpkin.