Merry Christmas!
I'm taking a bit of time off blogging here and there over the next couple weeks, but no worries! I'm still here and will continue to post, just not daily for the next week or two, as I spend some quality time with my family building memories. I'm so thankful for all I've been blessed with this past year, and am excited for a new 2015 that's going to ROCK! (I already have a HUGE list of posts and ideas I want to share!) I have enjoyed blogging and learning more and more and sharing so many ideas through it all. What a blessing social media can me, when we used it for good! (and recipes, and crafts, and tips with kids and family, and home...haha I could keep going.)
As we all look to the end of one year, and the beginning of another, I am reminded at what matters most to me in my life. I wanted to share some of that with you this Christmas. I recently shared a little video called #HeIsTheGift found here. It's short and simple, but beautiful and poignant. . I love the story of Christmas found here as well. I'm thankful for Christ in my life, for his birth, AND for his life. I'm thankful for a wonderful family that keeps on trying.
I hope that you and your families also have a wonderful holiday season and enjoy the time together. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
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