DIY Sock Snake ~ Create it. Go!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

DIY Sock Snake

I know we have all heard of and seen the sock monkeys for years now. And I learned how to make sock bunnies as a kid (Don't worry, I'll show you how to make these soon too)...AND I've even shared how to make this fun little sock minion here.

BUT have you ever made a sock snake?!

I think they're the easiest by far and I love all of the crazy sock designs that you can make them with! Perfect for a summer day kids activity...And my kids love to play with them and sleep with them. They turn out so fun and colorful and I love how they can be so different one from the other! So, I thought I would share with you how I made mine, so you can see how very easy they are to make.

I got my socks from a dollar store and just picked out a bunch of different fun knee socks. Technically they don't even have to be knee socks, but you can use more pieces out of the one sock if they are...

Then I cut them into three usable pieces. You just cut straight across the sock, so that it is still a tube.

I used the foot for the head of the snake. Then the other two straight pieces, I used for the body. I did this to a few different pairs of socks and then just laid it all out how I wanted it to go.

Then all you have to do is sew the little "tubes" together (or hot glue or use fabric glue) and then stuff! Any of those will work!

Not hard at all! I hand sewed up the very end of the tail and kept tucking pieces in as I did it, to make it smaller and to a point. (You can also trim that last piece down and cut it at an angle before sewing.)

Last thing we did was to sew a couple buttons on for the eyes and to add a string, or a bit of felt, for the snake's tongue.

Can you tell how loved he is? lol This is the only kind of snake that I let in my house. hahaha

I love making sock animals with my kids. It's great eye-hand coordination for them, and also teaches them skills and gives them a confidence in making something themself.

What are you filling up your summer days with? I love hearing all of the fun kids activities going on.


Nancy Phillips said...

I've got to try these! So creative and fun!