Lessons Learned {From My Dad} That I Still Use Today ~ Create it. Go!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lessons Learned {From My Dad} That I Still Use Today

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone.
#DropShopAndOil #CollectiveBias #lessonsfrommydad #lifelessons #oilchange

With this beginning of a new year, I have all kinds of things I want to get done this year! And to do better! Ha! I'm thinking positive and writing it all down. That's the key, right?

Well, one of the things I have had on my mind recently, is my car. With a large family and with all the trips we like to take together, in addition to the daily run-them-all-to-school, run-one-to-soccer, run-one-to-basketball, run-another-to-gymnastics, and yet run-another-two-to-preschool, and then church too...it's a big deal to me that my Suburban stays in good working order. It's no fun when I go out at some point and realize I have car problems. 

One thing my dad taught me from the time I bought my first car (We won't say how many years ago that was! heehee), was how important it is to keep up on the oil and that it needs to be changed regularly. He taught me to check the oil myself, to know how much should be in there, and even how to change the oil myself! He even had me under my car once. with him welding a muffler on! (True! Although I have not ever attempted that one myself again. haha)

BUT....now that I am a busy mother of 5, I have to say that I am thankful that I can take my Suburban into Wal-mart and trust THEM to change the oil for me! I love knowing that I can get it done for a reasonable price. We want to drive this vehicle for a long time still. It's already been a trustworthy vehicle for us, but just to give it a little more help (since it has over a 100,000 miles already), we make sure to use Pennzoil High Mileage oil. 

Pennzoil High Mileage Oil is great for helping to reduce leaks and oil consumption in worn or higher mileage engines. It's a motor oil that is specifically designed for new or late model vehicles with over 75,000 miles, to help keep the engines running clean and going strong for a long time. 

PLUS, knowing that All Pennzoil products help clean out sludge lesser oils leave behind, and that Pennzoil is designed for complete protection and will allow you to drive an extra of 550 miles per year vs. a dirty engine made it an obvious choice for me (as I checked my car in to have the oil changed) to have put in my High Mileage Suburban. Another little tidbit I learned was that no other motor oil provides better protection from friction. (Love learning more about what I purchase!)

So, the other day when I had oodles and oodles of errands and shopping to do,  I loaded up my two girls (who always want to help and like to even check off their own lists!),

 and we headed to Walmart. When we got there, we got in line to get our oil changed. Soon after, we headed inside with my girls. My youngest (age 3) was a little unsure why we were leaving our car with someone else, but I assured her that they were helping us and that we were in good hands!

I love that I don't have to just sit there and wait for my oil to be changed, while stewing about everything else I still need to do.  I can actually drop it off AND get everything else done on my list for the day all in one place! 

We ended up having a really fun day together! We shopped together, and even got to leisurely eat lunch together. I rarely seem to have the time to do this with my youngest too, and it was a treat to just take our time, and get everything else done on my list, as my oil was being changed at the same time. AND I even got back before my older kiddos were home from school! Bonus for the Win!

I love how things I have learned from my Dad when I was young (like checking your oil levels and making sure the oil is changed regularly), still help me today. And in turn, I love being able to share these stories with my own kids, and love how my husband is able to also share some of the same helpful tips with our kiddos as well. It's a good life, isn't it?

My husband and my son...  

He first had to show him how to open the hood. 
You forget about all the little things you know, until you are teaching someone else. 

Then teaching my son how to check the oil, to always make sure that the oil levels are good.

One more bonus I have for you today is that if you like to change your own oil (like my dad does and like my husband is teaching our kids as well), checkout the current promotion from Ibotta (a free mobile savings app). 
Offer: starting on 1/21/15: $5 off one 5-quart bottle of Pennzoil Platinum with PurePlus Technology. (A quick note about this promotion: This offer will go live tomorrow.)

What are some of the most useful tips that you have learned from your parents growing up? Do you still use them today? I love hearing from you!


David @ Spicedblog.com said...

What a great post! I totally remember my Dad showing me how to check the car basics like oil levels and tire pressure. Thanks for sharing! #client

clarKent said...

My Dad never allowed us to check the oil level while the car was running! He also said we should wait a little while (for the engine to cool down) before checking it. I have no idea whether this is good advice or not... but I have continued to do what he said (and I think I am better for it :-D).

Also, if you do change your own oil, always have some kitty litter around or some saw dust (for us DIY carpenters out there) for small oil spills!

Unknown said...

It's so important knowing how to take care of your vehicle (if you own one)! I think the education of knowing what to look for, which products to use, and how often you need to take action for car maintenance should be learned by all drivers.

Nancy Phillips said...

Important things to know, now and later, and great blogging about it!

kpp said...

Soooo thankful for Dads (and husbands)! Fun post!

Anonymous said...

Did I just read a WalMart commercial or a Pennzoil commercial?

Misty said...

Brings back memories of life lessons/tips taught by my own dad. Loved this! :-)