Wonderful Cause ~ Create it. Go!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wonderful Cause

I was stalking blogs tonight and came across this great give-away and wonderful cause on "My Blog". (This is her blog heading on the right.) I've looked at this blog before (obviously, since I have it bookmarked and was "stalking" it). She, Cammie, makes the most wonderful cards. And then to learn of all that she is doing to help people who have Alzheimers and the caregivers as well-was just inspiring. I know our neighbor's husband died just last year of this disease and it was really hard for my neighbor to see him change over the years and to continue taking care of him. She kept him at home for as long as she could and cared for him herself. She is elderly herself and is the sweetest, most caring woman, who is also such a hard worker! I can't imagine all of the time, energy, work, and tears that all the Alzheimer's cargivers so selflessy give. I am so happy to make a card for this cause. I think I will give one to my neighbor as well as send some to the address that Cammie listed.

Anyway...check out her blog and the awesome blog candy she has going on. It would be a dream come true-like Christmas times 10 for me! LOL

To go to her blog, you can click on the hyperlink above (and below), or here is her blog address:
Happy Bloggin'!