Get in the pictures Mamas! ~ Create it. Go!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Get in the pictures Mamas!

 Today's post is just a little reminder for all of you mamas out there. Last week I did a little post on taking time to smell YOUR "roses" and took the day to do the same for me...Today I want to remind all of you out there to get IN the pictures that you take of your kids.

We have gone on way too many trips where I come home with lots of pictures of everyone...but me. I don't always love the way I come out in the pictures, but I DO want my kids to have pictures and memories with me IN them!

So to all of you mamas, and dads! Get IN the memories and get IN the pictures! Have a great week!


Unknown said...

We have a lot of pictures of Dad with the kids or Mom with the kids but not so many of all six of us together. =/