August 2015 ~ Create it. Go!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cinnamon a pot! {Teacher Gift or Fall Candy Bowl}

#teachergift #apple #fall #backtoschool #teacherappreciation #endofschool #firstdayofschool #cinnamonapples #gifts #diygifts #gluedots

I'm ready to say Happy Fall Ya'll! But we're not quite there yet. haha

We started back to school last week here and I wanted to share with you a super duper simple easy peasy! teacher gift that you can use right now OR anytime of year. Seriously! It can't get any easier than this! AND it's multifunctional for the teacher!

It's a Cinnamon a pot! So so easy and yet, they can use it later to take home and plant something in or put their pens and pencils in...whatever they want! I even thought of dolling it up a bit more by putting the teacher's name on the front or a big A+. BUT decided that I liked the simplicity of it being just a big red apple this time. :)

So, here is your list of supplies needed to make this gem:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

5 Tiered Individual Cookie Cakes

I know I've been out lately, but I am excited to show you everything I have been doing in that time and MORE! Today I just wanted to share with you a really simple fun little snack that is adorable and perfect for parties, birthdays, lunches, and even after school snacks. It's an individual sized 5 tiered cookie cake!

Monday, August 10, 2015


I've been a little MIA over the last couple weeks spending time with family and gearing up for Back to School with my kiddos, but I'm still here and still on FB and Instagram, so head over there and I'll be posting again soon! Hope you're summer is finishing up grand!