From this to that Friday: Repurposed Cabinet Door ~ Create it. Go!

Friday, January 10, 2014

From this to that Friday: Repurposed Cabinet Door

Over a year ago, I was looking for this cupboard door I had saved from when we remodeled our kitchen...but never found it...until we moved! lol And so I moved it with us and FINALLY got to use it! It had been an unpainted/unfinished door above my oven and when my husband re-did all our cupboard doors, I saved a couple. (If you already know, I LOVE repurposing things!)

This one found a home in my kids' bathroom. If you follow me (robyncreates) on Instagram, you saw the sneak peaks I posted when I was "texafying" their bathroom. They miss TX. :) (It is a good place, ya know!?) So, this worked great to add some vinyl reminders for them in there, but with the TX flag in mind. :)

I started with this.

Went to this. (Spray painted it black lightly and then hand distressed the edges with sand paper.)

Then added vinyl and hung it up! So fun!

So fun! Think it will help them remember to wash their hands though? That's the real question!