Flattered and Featured! ~ Create it. Go!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Flattered and Featured!

I was so crazy excited that Crataholics Anonymous featured me and my DIY Sock Minion on her FB site. I mean, she's BIG! I mean 203K likes on her FB BIG! Love her blog site AND her FB one!

They are both so different. She spends so much time taking on peoples questions on her FB site here and posts them, so that anyone can answer and help, because, as much as we think we all know, there is no way we know it all! This way, it gets out to so many more people! AND she personally responds to everyone letting them know when their question will come on, so that you don't miss all the helpful suggestions people give.

THEN!!! You still have her blog she runs that has super fun ideas there too! Right now she has a super cute crafty free printable you can find here. Too funny!

Go to her site and download this for free. Thanks Craftaholics Anonymous!