"I will walk by Faith..." Word Art ~ Create it. Go!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"I will walk by Faith..." Word Art

If you know me at all, you know I love word art. I have several up in my house and am always adding to them. In fact, I am in the middle of creating a "new wall full of word art" in my living room right now. And this new one I just finished is perfect to add to the wall!

I love anything funny, uplifting, thought provoking, encouraging, family related when it comes to quotes, sayings, and more. AND then...I love to turn it into word art to hang. And this one is no exception. It's perfect for an everyday reminder for me.

What's your favorite quote/saying? Do you have a family motto in your home? I love hearing what helps to uplift others or make them smile!


Tech IT Solutions said...

This looks really amazing and the wordings written on it just hit my heart as I was feeling really disappointed today’s because of some personal issues but thanks for showing your grea work with us